
Friday, May 31, 2013

Assad Talks About War With Israel

Think about it....if you were Bashar Al Assad and many of your old allies from the Middle East were now calling for you to step down and relinquish your power....what might you do?

Before you answer, please remember that he lives in a VERY TOUGH neighborhood...a place where most folks only understand strong-arm tactics, fear, torture and murder to keep them in line.

Any ideas yet??

Here's a good one!!  Start a war with Israel and get all the Arab's minds OFF YOU and refocused on the task of throwing the Jews into the sea!!

Syrian President Bashar Assad told Al-Manar TV on Thursday that “there is pressure by the people to open a new front on the Golan.”

“Even among the Arab world there is a clear readiness to join the fight against Israel,” he added in his interview with the Hezbollah TV station.

Assad stated that Hezbollah is involved in fighting the Israeli enemy and its agents in Syria and Lebanon, according to the text of the interview on the Al-Manar website. He attributed the failure of the Syrian opposition to its dependence on outside funding and said that it failed to create a real rift in the country.

Jonathan Schanzer, vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told The Jerusalem Post from Washington on Thursday night, “Assad would be off his rocker if he were to start a war with Israel right now and he knows it.”

Assad is barely containing the war in his own country and “the idea that he would add a war with Israel makes no sense,” he said.

This seems to be more rhetoric, he said adding a caveat that things could change.

Asked by the Post about the feeling in Washington over the increasing tensions in the region over the past couple weeks, Schanzer said that it has definitely been noticed in the US capital.

“There is a sense that no good options are left for the US to pursue – a sense of paralysis,” he added. There seems to be a growing isolationist tendency in both parties.


Love that quote from Jonathan above about Assad would have to be off his rocker to start a war with Israel!!  Do you think there are more than a few Muslim leaders who are WAY OFF THEIR ROCKERS already??  Why not one more?

I'm guessing that Assad is NOT A FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIM.  I'm guessing that he loves the Western life of luxury complete with private jets, fancy wines and shopping trips to Paris...BUT....if he gets his back against the wall and realizes there is going to be a very good chance that if his government falls then he could be tried for war crimes and hung...I'm guessing he will lash out at like a cornered, rabid coon....and WHO would be the best country to lash out at?  Israel.

Do you get the idea that we may be on the verge fulfilling some more biblical prophesies?

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