
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Israel Won't Allow Russia to Deploy System in Syria

We know that Russia has shipped their S-300 anti-aircraft system to Syria and given it to the government of Bashar Al Assad...but will they get it set up and ready to shoot down Israeli jets?

Israel's National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror sketched out what Jerusalem's "red line" is vis-à-vis the S-300 missile systems Russia intends to send to Syria before the 27 European Union ambassadors in Israel.
Two diplomats who were in the room during the briefing last Thursday, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was a closed event, said that Amidror stressed Israel will act "to prevent the S-300 missiles from becoming operational" on Syrian soil. This message was also conveyed by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon when he said on Tuesday that if the missiles reach Syria "Israel will know what to do."

Amidror's briefing, the diplomats said, made it clear that Israel estimates that sooner or later Russia will provide Syria with the missile systems and for reasons unrelated to Israel - namely Russian rivalry with the U.S., Britain and France on the Syrian issue. "We understood from Amidror that the Israeli government thinks the missile transfer cannot be prevented, therefore it will act against them after the transfer but before they become operational," one of the diplomats said.
The S-300 system is considered one of the world's most advanced aerial defense systems. Apart for the system's advanced radar, which can identify and track long-range targets, the missile themselves have a range of 200 kilometers.

Because of the system's advanced technology, the time required to make it operational can range between three to six months. Syrian operators and technicians also need to undergo training, possibly in Russia, but in order to fully calibrate the system and make it operational some of the process will have to take place in Syria.

A senior Israeli official and a European diplomat who are involved in the talks said that even though Netanyahu has not said so explicitly, he signaled in the past two weeks in talks with several European foreign ministers that his efforts to convince President Vladimir Putin not to provide Syria with the systems did not bear fruit.
"If the missiles are provided and become operational Israel's entire airspace will become a no-fly zone," Netanyahu told the European foreign ministers. "The missile transfer is a significant security challenge to Israel and we will not be able to stand idly by."


Think about tiny some places less than 50 miles wide.  Now think about a Super Sonic Israeli fighter jet flying at 2000 mph that could fly over the entire country of Israel and into Syria in seconds.

If Russia lights up this S-300 system and puts it on Syria's border with Israel...Netanyahu is could make all of Israel a NO-FLY-ZONE....and of course they will not sit idly by and let Russia set that thing up.

Can you feel it?  Does the world seem ready to erupt in something?  Yes, even though the stock market is up and housing prices are recovering "nicely" still seems like the whole world is ready to break apart...on so many levels.

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