
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The War No One is Watching

Most folks who watch the news at all understand there is a civil war taking place in Syria.  It is a war between the rebels (Sunni Muslims) and the ruling government run by Bashar Al Assad, who is an Alawite Muslim but has the support of Iran (Shiite Muslims) and the terrorist group Hezbollah who are also Shiites, with headquarters in Lebanon.

But there is another war that is playing out which may have far bigger stakes for us in the USA....this is a war playing out between Obama and Russia's President Putin. 

Did you know that Russia wants Assad to stay in power because they have a lot invested in him...including a major Russian naval base built in Syria.

Did you know that Russia has just delivered its state of the art air-defense system to Syria?

Did you know that once this becomes operational, it will be much harder for Israel to fly planes into Syria and take out their illegal munition transfers that threaten Israel?

Did you remember that a lot of prophecy watchers believe that Magog (of Ezekiel 38) is Russia?

The third war is a little known one that could very well be the single deciding factor as to whether the civil war will escalate into the fulfillment of prophecy. This war is between two men, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama. According to informed Middle East sources each man has a vision for how the Syrian civil war should end. Obama wants Assad gone and Putin wants him to stay. They not only can't they agree on how to proceed, but each one is also trying to torpedo the other ones chances of succeeding. These sources say it's the inability of these two men to agree that is standing in the way of a resolution to the crisis and as long as their disagreement continues the probability of the war spilling over the borders into neighboring countries becomes ever more likely to happen.

Most of the news sources I read have concluded that Obama is outclassed in this disagreement and that sooner or later Putin will have his way. He's already won a couple of big battles. Refusing to keep Iran in check and refusing to withhold the sale of advanced anti-arcraft batteries to Syria are two of the most obvious. The first has given Assad powerful assistance on the ground and the second will give him protection from aerial attack by Israel. In both cases, Obama stood by and let this happen.

Bible prophecy might favor Putin in this case. According to Ezekiel 38-39 Russia will be a major participant in that battle, and having a strong position in the Middle East would be an important advantage. Remember, when the Moslem coalition attacks it will be from the North (Ezekiel 38:15). That could mean they'll come from Syria over the Golan Heights. I'm not saying we're seeing a run up to Ezekiel 38, but we all know it's coming and if Russia already has a presence in Syria they would have an advantage in mounting what scholars believe will be a surprise attack.

In the mean time, the Russian / Iranian support has strengthened and emboldened Assad. So much so that he was willing to risk using chemical weapons against the rebel forces. Obama had previously said this would not be tolerated, but so far, even after being confronted with clear evidence, he denied it has happened. In Syria this has been interpreted to mean that limited use of chemical weapons will be tolerated.
Israeli leaders have been more resolute. After all it's their country that's being directly threatened by this. When they detected the movement of prohibited weaponry into Lebanon for Hizbollah's use against them they attacked and destroyed it. Again, Obama stood by while Putin authorized the delivery of advanced anti-aircraft defenses to Syria. Its purpose is to prevent further pre-emptive attacks from Israel by denying them air superiority.
Informed sources are beginning to see the hand writing on the wall. As Israel is progressively denied the use of small steps to pre-empt the threat from their sworn enemies their only recourse will be to take big ones. When that happens, one leading Israeli correspondent has said Obama will stand right behind Assad in the line of people to blame.
Holy Cold War!  I guess Russia has to come back on stage for days like these!
Could this help to explain why they are flying nuclear bomber flights again while testing our defenses around our borders?
Friends, Isaiah 17, an Oracle Against Damascus, still needs to be fulfilled.  The daily headlines surrounding Damascus and the daily blood being spilled there shows us that we had better pay attention...because God may be about ready to do something really big there!
Also PLEASE NOTICE....most prophecy watchers believe that the RAPTURE will PRECEDE the fulfillment of Isaiah 17.
So....if we can start to see how Isaiah 17 may be getting ready to be close may we be to the trumpet sounding and our Lord coming for us?
It is our blessed hope.....

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