
Monday, May 20, 2013

"Christian Monsters"

Friends, do you believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way that you will be in eternity with the Father?  Do you believe it so much that you obey your Master, Jesus, and go about your life making disciples in His name? 

If so, the liberal atheists are already calling you "Christan monsters".

Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation's armed forces. Oh my, my, my, how "Papa's got a brand new bag."

What's Papa's new tactic? You're gonna just love this! These days, when ANYone attempts to bravely stand up against virulent religious oppression, these monstrosities cry out alligator tears in overflowing torrents and scream that it is, in fact, THEY who are the dispossessed, bereft and oppressed. C'mon, really, you pitiable unconstitutional carpetbaggers? It would be like the utter folly of 1960's-era southern bigots howling like stuck pigs in protest that Rosa Parks' civil rights activism is "abusing" them by destroying and disenfranchising their rights to sit in the front seat of buses in Montgomery, Alabama. Please, I beseech you! Let us call these ignoble actions what they are: the senseless and cowardly squallings of human monsters.

Queasy with the bright and promising lights of the cultural realities of the present day, those evil, fundamentalist Christian creatures and their spiritual heirs have taken refuge behind flimsy, well-worn, gauze-like euphemistic facades such as "family values" and "religious liberty." These bandits coagulate their stenchful substances in organizations such as the American Family Association (AFA), the ultra-fundamentalist Family Research Council (FRC), and the Chaplains Alliance for Religious Liberty (CARL). The basis of their ruinous unity is the bane of human existence and progress: horrific hatred and blinding bigotry. However, when the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and others correctly characterize them as "hate groups," they all too predictably raise a deafening hue and disingenuously bellow mournfully like the world class cowards they are.


Of course you all realize that the IRS is now under investigation for harassing the very organizations that this liberal author is yes, it can be a bit disconcerting to hear the hatred coming at us from liberals...especially when those liberals seem to have control of our national and state governments.

But please take courage.  Jesus told us that the world WILL HATE US because it hated Him first.

As our nation continues to slide into the abyss of moral relativism and the belief that EVERYTHING should be legal between consenting adults....the people who believe in Jesus will be labeled as "hate groups"....exactly as this article is already doing.

So what will happen when the first gay men get married in Minnesota come August 1?  What happens when Tom and Tim move to our town and come into our church holding hands and announcing that they are a newly wed couple who are new to town and are out "shopping" for a new church home?  What happens if we tell them they can't teach Sunday School, they can't be in leadership and they can't be members of our church unless they repent of their sin?

Might our church lose it's tax exempt status if the government rules that our church violates, "anti-hate speech" guidelines for tax-exempt status?

Yep.  You can certainly see how that will be don't be surprised.  Expect this to come while we wait EXPECTANTLY for the return of Jesus.

Hat tip to Julie E.

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