
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Another Disease Strkes Gay Men

This article was on Google News this morning and is from the New York Times.  It would appear that the perversion of casual, gay sex has borne some more nasty fruit.

They have come to Paddles, an after-hours sex club in Chelsea, not yet ready to end their evening. They prowl the long cinder-block hallway, exchanging knowing glances. A husky, bearded man in his 40s lounges on a corrugated black rubber bench, admiring a chorus line of smooth-chested 20-somethings, their flesh glowing under a pink neon sign and black lights. A man in a metal-studded black leather chest harness strides toward a back room, the hookup room, where a circle of men, skin glistening with sweat, hover around a swing, watching.

Then, in walks a skinny man in a black baseball cap, with soulful eyes and a nose that juts forward like the prow of a ship. He stops at a folding table set up between two video screens showing continuous reels of gay pornography. He strips off his black leather jacket, flexing toned biceps in a black muscle shirt. He sets up a red hazardous-waste bin as nonchalantly as if it were a plastic juice jug from Costco, arranges some Band-Aids and a bowl of lollipops next to it, and pulls out a syringe.
This is Demetre Daskalakis, a doctor and gay activist who has come to spread the message that a new health threat has emerged among the city’s gay population and that he is there to stop it.
“Have you been vaccinated?” he asks, smiling, his voice warm, as the half-naked men walk by.
A new, casually transmittable infection — a unique strain of bacterial meningitis — has cast a pall over the gay night life and dating scene, with men wondering whether this is AIDS, circa 1981, all over again. Seven men have died in New York City, about a third of diagnosed cases, since 2010. And in the last few months, the contagion seemed to be accelerating. It has targeted gay and bisexual men, and nobody knows exactly why.
The city’s best hope to curb the outbreak is to vaccinate as many at-risk men as possible, focusing on those most in danger: men who regularly hook up with other men whom they meet at parties, bars, clubs and through apps like Grindr. Dr. Don Weiss, the director of surveillance for the city’s Bureau of Communicable Disease, has called it “Russian roulette sex,” because “sooner or later, you are going to come across this organism and be exposed.”
The health department’s own vaccination efforts at several gay bars have had limited success. Men out partying want to have fun, not be told that they may fall prey to a lethal disease by doing so.
After coming out of the closet and AIDS and the fight over equal rights and gay marriage, they’ve been through enough, some gay men say. “As one of my guys who I vaccinated said, ‘What are they going to think of next?’ ” Dr. Daskalakis commiserates.
YES!!  Men out partying and screwing strange men and doing unspeakable things in the name of "fun", DON'T WANT TO BE TOLD that they may die if they continue in their perverse ways....THEY WANT TO HAVE FUN!!!!
How typical of humans....we all just want to do whatever the heck we want.  Don't tell us that anything is bad, irresponsible or perverse...can't you see we are just trying to have fun?!?!
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.  27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
It sure makes one wonder if the "due penalty" for their error is not only spiritual separation from their Creator....but also diseases that maim, disable and even kill them?

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