
Friday, May 17, 2013

More Baby Killing...This Time in Texas

The pro-abortion groups want you to believe that Dr. Gosnell murdering babies already born was just an isolated we get this coming from Texas.

The lieutenant governor of Texas, David Dewhurst, demanded an investigation Wednesday of an abortionist whose employees claim he twisted the heads off of babies who were born alive during abortion procedures.

A new video exposé released Tuesday of the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston, one of three clinics owned by abortionist Douglas Karpen, depicts gruesome details of the practices of an abortionist who is currently facing a criminal investigation for allegedly allowing late-term babies to be born alive then twisting their heads off with his bare hands.

“Most of the time the fetus would come all the way out before he either cut the spinal cord or introduced one of the instruments into the soft-spot of the fetus in order to kill the fetus,” said Deborah Edge, one of the whistleblowers. “Either that or twisting the head off the neck with his own bare hands.”

Edge added, “Most of the time we’d see... the fetus would come all the way out, and of course the fetus was still alive.” Edge claimed that the doctor’s assistants could see the newborns breathing.
Edge claimed Karpen also suffocated babies by putting his finger down their windpipes and placed living babies inside trash bags.

“I think every morning I saw several of them,” she said. Of the 20 babies aborted in a day, Edge alleged that three to four of them were “completely delivered” before being killed.


Again, let me make this point one more time....the liberal mind (not God fearing) is horrified by 20 kindergartners being murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary.  They go hog-wild in an attempt to use the tragedy to get further gun laws.....thereby blaming the guns for the murders.

But when those same folks are confronted with the murder of 20 kids EVERY DAY at one Texas clinic...they have a tendency to shrug and say, "Well, this is just an isolated case.  Most abortion doctors are law abiding citizens who take their profession seriously and ethically."

Well....Sandy Hook was also just an ISOLATED CASE and most gun owners are law abiding citizens who take ownership of firearms as a serious responsibility and would NEVER commit a crime with a gun.

The fact is, the only difference between the murdered children in Sandy Hook verses the murdered children at this Texas abortion age of the victims.

And the godless simply can't see it.

"The Word of God is foolishness to those who are perishing."

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