
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dreams, Visions and 300 Lashes

The intolerance and ignorance of Islam continues to make the news...this time in Saudi Arabia where they sentenced a man to 300 lashes for helping a woman find Christ.

A Lebanese man was sentenced to 300 lashes with a whip and six years in prison for his role in helping a Saudi woman convert to Christianity and flee the kingdom in the latest example of the religious intolerance that grips the region.

The court in the Eastern Saudi city of Khobar -- situated on the coast of the Persian Gulf -- also sentenced a Saudi man to two years in prison and 200 lashes for helping the young woman named Maryam -- who has been dubbed “the girl of Khobar” -- in her escape to Sweden to secure asylum.

Maryam, whose case has been closely followed in Saudi Arabia, criticized Saudi Arabia’s Sunni monarchy for instilling in her a hatred of Judaism and Christianity, according to the English-language Saudi Gazette. The Jeddah-based paper wrote that she “fell in love with the religions after she found peace in Christianity.”

Maryam, who last year appeared in a YouTube video and proclaimed her conversion to Christianity, embraced Christianity after dreaming about climbing to the sky and hearing God say that Jesus is his son, according to the Gazette. But her unabashed faith did not go over well in her homeland, which has been singled out for its intolerance of religious beliefs other than Islam.

Saudi Arabia’s failure to guarantee religious freedom in its closed society prompted the bipartisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in its new report to cite the Gulf monarchy ruled by the 88-year-old King Abdullah as a “country of particular concern” because of its egregious violations of religious freedom.

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Did you catch that little phrase in there about the girl's dream of climbing to the sky and hearing God say that Jesus is his son?  Just one more example of the thousands of Muslims coming to Christ from dreams and visions....which is one more sign that we are in the Last Days.

So how many tanks, bombs, fighter jets and bullets do you think we give to the Saudi Arabian Kingdom?  Why would we give military aid to folks who hate Christians and torture people who don't bow to Muhammad?  How much must we NEED THEIR OIL in order to sign a deal with the devil to get it? 

It will be very interesting to see how Jesus judges America.  On the one hand we have been a haven for Christian missionaries to be trained and financed to go forth and bring the Gospel to the dark, lost world and we have also been used to support and incubate the nation of Israel....BUT....Jesus will have much against us as we have armed the Muslim horde even knowing full well their hatred and persecution of Christians and Jews.

"Who cares??  We need their oil...we don't really care what they do as long as the oil keeps flowing."

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