
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Sad Day in Minnesota

As most of you know, Minnesota will now be the 12th state to legalize gay marriage.  Our preaching pastor wrote about this on his blog today...and of course I agree with him is sad to see how traditional marriage is being torn down right before our very eyes.

Excitement hit the streets of St. Paul and Minneapolis this evening creating an atmosphere much like
those when the Twins won the World Series. Except this was not the excitement of a sports championship. This was not the excitement of an outstanding guest visiting our communities. This was not even the excitement of an ethnic or cultural celebration. No, this was excitement over the signing of the Marriage Freedom Act by Governor Dayton. Friends, Minnesota is now the 12th state in the country to fully legalize marriage between people of the same sex. For many of us this will be remembered as the day when Minnesota turned its back upon a definition of marriage that had withstood the tests of time, cultures, and civilizations since the very beginning - the Garden of Eden.

But, it was not long after the Fall that Satan began to attack that foundational principle of marriage. By the time we get to Genesis 4, just a few generations after the Garden, we read about a man named Lamech who married two women (Genesis 4:19). The Bible even gives us the names of his two wives. Lamech was one of these men who lived on the edge - the wild side, if you will. Continuing in Genesis 4 we read, "Lamech said to his wives, 'Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words. I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.'" (Genesis 4:23-24). Lamech boasts of his sins - polygamy and murder and dares God to do something about it. And, by the time we get to Genesis 19, we are introduced to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah whose sin of homosexuality caused God to totally wipe those cities off the face of the earth - there is no evidence of their existence today, although many have looked for their ruins.

Read entire entry here;

Remember friends, we ARE called to love all sinners because WE are all sinners.  The love of Christ can change a sinner's heart. 

Will there be people who were born greedy who will be saved?  Yes.  Will there be people who were born with adulterous hearts who will be saved?  Yes.  Will there be gluttonous people in heaven?  Yes.  Will there be idolaters in heaven?  Yes.  BUT...we are all called to REPENT of our sin and continually work to conquer the desires of our flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us. 

The problem with the gay agenda is that some insist that they want to be part of the Body of Christ while EMBRACING their particular favorite sin.

If a man came to our church and said, "I struggle with adultery but I sure love the Lord and I want to leave my life of sin."...then I expect there would be people at our church who would love to work with him through his struggle.

If a man came to our church and said, "I struggle with gay lust but I sure love the Lord and I want to leave my life of sin."...then I would expect there would be people at our church who would love to work with him through his struggle.

But if a man comes to our church and says, "I love gay sex and anything I love can't be a sin and I demand that you embrace my lifestyle and put your stamp of approval on it.".....then I would expect our church to say, "We will welcome you with open arms when you acknowledge your sin and you have repented and ask the Lord to come into your life and change your heart."

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