
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time to Ask Obama About Gosnell

Let's ponder that foolishness of the liberal brain for one second.....on the one hand the liberal mind was OUTRAGED over the massacre at Sandy Hook that killed 26 people with 20 of them being innocent little children.  That massacre used a gun so the liberal mind immediately wants to do something to get rid of guns!

Following Sandy Hook Obama said, "If there is even one step we can take to save another child . . . then surely we have an obligation to try."

And now we have Dr. Gosnell convicted of murdering probably thousands of babies by cutting their spinal chords...but where are the liberals saying we need to take steps to save another child by revisiting abortion laws?

They are mostly silent....because they are PRO for killing children they don't want....but ANTI when children get killed that they do want.

When President Barack Obama was asked about the murder trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, he said "I can't comment on it because it's an active trial."

Now that a jury has found Gosnell guilty on three first-degree murder charges for infants he delivered before snipping their spinal cords, one involuntary manslaughter charge in the botched abortion death of Karnamaya Mongar, and 21 counts of illegal late-term abortions, we can find out what Obama thinks about the case and the country's abortion culture.

It will be particularly interesting given President Obama's personal history. Known as one of the country's fiercest defenders of abortion rights, as an Illinois state senator Obama twice voted against bills that would have "defined any aborted fetus that showed signs of life as a 'born alive infant' entitled to legal protection." He said he viewed the bills as backdoor attacks on a woman's legal right to abortion. He's also given conflicting information about whether he supports the right to late-term abortions such as the ones Gosnell was convicted of performing.

So now that the trial is over, reporters should ask if President Obama still opposes laws that protect infants that survive abortions. After the school massacre in Newtown, President Obama suggested reforms to the country's gun laws, saying, "If there is even one step we can take to save another child . . . then surely we have an obligation to try." So let's find out the specifics of his proposed abortion reforms post-Gosnell.

The Gosnell trial's gruesome details about the cold-blooded killing of infants, the mistreatment of their corpses, racist practices and the disgusting conditions of the clinic have shocked the nation's conscience regarding the culture of abortion. This trial and this verdict will generate serious discussion about abortion policy in the United States and elsewhere.


Evil will be called good and good will be called evil.  Darkness will be called light and light will be called darkness.  Isaiah told us this over 2800 years ago....and we are certainly doing just that as America plunges down the slippery slope.

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