
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Major Terror Attack Coming for America

It is being reported that Iran has given the go ahead for major terror attacks within the USA.

Update: On Tuesday, the source provided additional new information on the terrorists’ plan for a major attack – that it is to take place within weeks and is planned to be “spectacular,” using a new method. The information was immediately passed on to the appropriate U.S. agency.

Iran has given the go-ahead to operatives of three terrorist groups that have infiltrated the United States to carry out missions, including what is expected to be a Mumbai-style attack on a hotel where innocent bystanders would be killed, WND has learned.

A full report with many details of the missions has been passed on to U.S. officials.

Three targets have been chosen within America for imminent attack, and the terror teams have now cut communications with the operational center in Iran, a sign that they are moving ahead with the attacks, according to a high-level intelligence officer within the Islamic regime.

If only one of the attacks occurs, the regime will consider the operation a success, the source said. Tehran believes, he said, an attack would not be traced back to Iran due to the nationalities of the operators.

One of the planned attacks resemble the Mumbai attack in 2008, the source added, in which a hotel was targeted, hostages were taken and 164 people were killed over several days. India alleges Pakistan used proxies to carry out the Mumbai attack so it wouldn’t be traced back to Pakistan, just as Iran now is using proxies to hide its current terrorism. The information provided by the source provides details of a new jihadist coalition with a focus on creating instability in the U.S.

The source said the regime views the Boston bombing as a successful terrorist attack in which fear was created, U.S. intelligence questioned and a sense of security diminished. There has yet to be any link to a specific group or country.


We Americans love and value our freedom.  If terrorists start blowing stuff up on a regular basis and triggering massive man-hunts like happened in Boston...our freedoms will start to vanish. 

The government won't HAVE to take our freedoms, no, we will ASK them to take our freedoms because of our desire to feel safe again.

Just think about how stupid, wasteful and expensive our airport security has gotten because of 9/11.  We now spend $millions searching old, white women from Iowa before they get on a plane....even though in the history of the world there has NEVER been a white woman from Iowa who has blown up an airplane as a suicide bomber.

The terrorists know how stupid and politically correct we are.  They also know how expensive our stupidity is. 

The Muslim terrorists know that they can further bankrupt us if they can force us into a Boston-style man-hunt once per week that costs $billions as we shut down cities and deploy 6000 armed police officers to capture two Muslims who killed 3 people and injured some dozens more.

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