
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

ESPN Christian Commentator Under Attack

A few days ago I did a post called GAY, GAY AND MORE GAY!  In that post I pointed out ESPN commentator Chris Broussard's comments about homosexuality from a Christian point of view.

We figured sooner or later he would be crucified for DARING to say such things as are in the Bible....but are NOT IN LINE WITH THE LIBERAL MEDIA....and today we have this;

But instead of having those uncomfortable conversations, and coming to mutual respect for one another’s positions, the left went after Broussard hammer and tongs. The hashtag #firechrisbroussard quickly skyrocketed on Twitter. The same left that praised Bob Costas to the skies for randomly sounding off on Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher and gun control now decided that Broussard was way out of line. The LA Times ran an online poll asking, “Should Broussard have said what he said on TV?”
Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo! Sports wrote, “The last thing [gay youths] need is to see someone like Chris Broussard, who ESPN (and by extension, the NBA) trusts as both its voice both at games and in-studio, to be referring to them as sinners who are in ‘open rebellion to God.’” Deadspin’s John Koblin said that it was “unclear why [Broussard’s opinion was] necessary or even relevant at this hour.” Variety subtly suggested, “In December, ESPN suspended commentator Rob Parker for questionable comments on the race of NFL quarterback Robert Griffin III, then chose not to renew his contract after it expired at year’s end.”
In response to all this leftist tolerance, ESPN dutifully released a statement apologizing for Broussard’s comments: “We regret that a respectful discussion of personal viewpoints became a distraction from today’s news. ESPN is fully committed to diversity and welcomes Jason Collins’ announcement.” Naturally, Buzzfeed’s Kate Aurthur ripped ESPN anyway for not sufficiently falling into line: “So no apology from Broussard …. ESPN got itself into this ridiculous, impossible situation here by relying on one of its employee's religious beliefs to inform a discussion about the huge Collins news …. What I would like to know, therefore, is why they put Broussard on the air to discuss his personal feelings about Collins, homosexuality, and Christianity, rather than his area of professional expertise — basketball — in the first place.” Aurthur went on a rampage, calling Broussard “punitive, unforgiving,” and lamenting that “Collins’ beautiful announcement” had been tarnished by ESPN’s “outdated, homophobic pit of its own making.”
Broussard’s opinion was verboten according to the left. Granderson’s was not. The right was happy to air both opinions. Yet the left thinks that Broussard was way out of bounds. That’s because the goal of the left in overplaying the Jason Collins coming out party – a presidential call? Really? – is to portray those who disagree on homosexuality as bigots and homophobes who want to deny people like Collins happiness. Broussard never even remotely suggested that Collins should not have come out. He repeatedly stated that the time was ripe for Collins to come out. Virtually everyone on the right agrees with that general perspective. But Broussard violated the most taboo of all standards: he suggested that he had a different moral view than that of the left. And so now his job may be in jeopardy.
When it comes to tyranny and tolerance, the case of Chris Broussard is far more telling than that of Jason Collins. It is the left that wants tyranny of expression. Tolerance only extends to those deemed worthy by the left.


Yes!!  The left only gives tolerance to those they deem worthy or recieving it!  The absolute height of hypocrisy!!

Please note that Broussard also clearly said that sleeping with women outside of marriage is also a sin....but the media sent out its GAY ATTACK SQUAD to quash any person who dares speak of sin.

No one wants to hear they are in rebellion to according to the liberal CAN'T SAY THAT anymore. 

Men committing adultery certainly don't want to be told they are in rebellion to just say the poor men were born with desires they couldn't contain.  That sounds better.

Young men don't want to be told they are in rebellion to God for screwing their young just say those hormone filled adolescents are sewing their wild oats.  That sounds better.

Women having sex with their favorite pooch don't want to be told they are in rebellion to just say they have fetishes that society is evolving to accept.  That sounds better.

Let's keep Broussard in our prayers!  He stood up and said what he believes and defended his biblical world view.

"In this world you WILL HAVE TROUBLE..." says Jesus..."but fear not as I have overcome the world."

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