
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pastor Laurie Won't Back Down

Pastor Greg Laurie is set to be the leader for the National Day of Prayer here in the USA.

 Awesome!!  This dude is on fire for the Lord and preaching the Truth every chance he gets.  You can listen to him on radio stations across the country.

But not everyone thinks Laurie is awesome.  Especially sinners who prefer NOT to be called sinners.

And who is currently the most vocal crowd of well organized folks with an anti-biblical agenda?

Yep....the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender crowd.

In recent days, LGBT organizations like the Human Rights Campaign have demanded that government officials bar Laurie from leading National Day of Prayer events in the nation's capital this week.

"Pastor Laurie's message is out of step with what the majority of people of faith across this country believe," said Dr. Sharon Groves, director of HRC's Religion & Faith Program. "In greater numbers than ever before, people of faith are feeling compelled to speak up and organize for equality – because of their faith."

This is not the first time gay activists have attempted to get clergy opposed to homosexuality removed from a major national event. In January, LGBT activists successfully got the Rev. Louie Giglio of Passion City Church in Roswell, Ga., to withdraw from saying the closing prayer at President Barack Obama's second inauguration.


Yes sir!  The gays are demanding the government officials to BAR anyone with a biblical worldview from speaking!!  You simply can't make these crazy folks up!!  They don't want a Pastor of the Gospel to PRAY at the National Day of Prayer!!!

Excuse me, Dr. Sharon Groves....can you tell me EXACTLY what you mean when you say, 'people of faith'?  Does that include people who have faith in the Big Bang?  People who have faith in Hercules, Zeus and Poseidon?  People who have faith in YOGA?  People who have faith in Scientology and the aliens coming to earth?  People who have faith in the power of Satan to give them wealth and fame?  People who have faith in Allah?  People who have faith in Buddha?  People who have faith in sexual-healing?  People who have faith in Tarot Cards and fortune telling?  People who have faith in Baal or Ashteroth?  Do you mean ALL those people of faith?

Fast forward 5 years and read the headline of tomorrow:

"Pastor Johson needs to be removed," said Chris Lovingly of PSA,"because his comments referring to polygamists as sinners, adulterers, fornicators and saying we are in rebellion to God clearly goes against what people of faith in this country believe.  It is abhorrent that this man who claims that God is love can now stand there and say we are somehow second class citizens because we love and cherish multiple wives."

In the last days men will fill the church pulpits with preachers who tell them what their itchy ears want to hear.  Jesus warns us to not be deceived...and he says it NUMEROUS times.  

What men WANT TO HEAR is that God loves them NO MATTER WHAT they do and/or believe....and that He so loves them that he would NEVER call anyone a fact he so loves us that EVERYONE goes to heaven!!

Really?!  If there was no sin, then Jesus came to die for nothing.  And if there were multiple ways already in place for men to get to heaven, then Jesus came to die for nothing.  Even worse, that makes Jesus a liar..."NO MAN comes to the Father except through me."

We need to hold Pastor Laurie up in prayer.  The pressure is going to be immense on him.


  1. I have a cousin who lives in MN, and he told me that the hardest part about speaking up for the Biblical truth of the homosexuality debate is the fact that the churches are in agreement with the homosexual view. What a sad truth! So when they speak about people of "faith", they may be talking about the ELCA Lutherans, Methodists, and the other denominations that support the homosexual ajenda. We Chistians are just intolerant haters.

  2. What a sad truth is right! My parents are in approval of gay marriage and fully support and attend an ELCA church. They told me they were so proud to have a lesbian couple in front of the church baptizing their baby a few weeks ago. Yes...we need to LOVE all people who are in rebellion! But we don't start calling the rebellious behavior 'good'. I just got done posting this verse two minutes ago on my Rhode Island posting...but will paste it here too; “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:20).
