
Friday, May 3, 2013

Stocks Break Record as Economic Worries Fade

Today the stock market set a new record high!  15,000 DOW for the first time EVER!!

Hallelujah!!  Our god is back!! Happy days are here again!  Let the spending binge commence!!  Need a new car!  Go finance one because the stock market is back!!  Need a new ATV and trailer!!  Go finance a few for only $489 per month!!  Why wait to have fun with your kids by taking all that time to save money when you can have them today!!  The stock market is back!!

Is killing unborn babies a problem?  Nope!  The stock market is back!!
Is gay marriage and perversion a concern?  Nope!  The stock market is back!!
Is a $17 trillion dollar deficit a concern?  Nope!  The stock market is back!!
Is a famine of the Word of God in our churches a problem?  Nope!  The stock market is back!
Is printing $85 billion a month a concern to our currency?  Forget about brought the stock market back!


Now here is what is interesting as a financial planner....when the market was at 6300 four years ago...very few folks wanted anything to do with it because it was viewed as "too risky."  But now that it is at a new record high, I'm guessing my phone will start to ring and people will say, "Hey, I guess its time to get back into the market, right?"

People just continue repeating the same mistakes over and over.  I just have to wonder how many folks will go ALL IN this time?  They are getting NOTHING in their savings at the bank (this is by design of the Federal Reserve to punish savers and reward borrowers) now that they are being told by CBS that economic worries are behind them...with clear sailing as far as the eye can see...why not join in the big party!!

Did I mention that the stock market is back?!

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