
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Israel Launches Airstrike in Syria

Syria continues to wreck itself in civil war.  It is now a fact that Assad HAS used chemical weapons against the rebels.  It is also a fact that no matter who ends up taking power in Syria they WILL NOT be friends with Israel.

Of course Israel is VERY concerned about who is going to be in control of all these chemical weapons and they want to make sure they don't find their way to Hezbollah or any other terrorist group.

JERUSALEM — Israeli forces have carried out an airstrike against a shipment of sophisticated missiles bound for the Lebanese political and military organization Hezbollah, officials in Washington and Israel told reporters Saturday.

The strike took place about 4 a.m. Friday at an air defense facility on the periphery of Damascus International Airport, according to a Lebanese security official who was in the Syrian capital at the time. The airport is known to be the destination for weapons flown in from Iran both for the Syrian government and for its ally Hezbollah.

There had previously been reports of a huge blaze at Damascus airport, with a video showing two locations on fire after what was described as rebel shelling. But the Lebanese official said the blasts were bigger than those caused by mortar or shellfire.

Rather, he said, the attack appeared to be identical to one in January in which Israeli jets hit a convoy carrying weapons intended for Hezbollah, with the warplanes striking their target from a location over the town of Deir al-Ashayer, in Lebanon’s Bekaa valley.


I'm pretty sure there will be no real peace in the Middle East, especially between Syria and Israel, until the Prince of Peace returns.  Until then we can expect more chaos, hatred and bloodshed.

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