
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Rhode Island Makes it an Even Ten

The wave is continuing.  State approval of gay marriage seems to be on a serious roll...and I'm guessing it is now going too fast to stop it.

It's coming like a flood.....

Rhode Island on Thursday became the nation's 10th state to allow gay and lesbian couples to wed, as a 16-year effort to extend marriage rights in this heavily Roman Catholic state ended with the triumphant cheers of hundreds of gays, lesbians, their families and friends.

Gov. Lincoln Chafee signed the bill into law on the Statehouse steps Thursday evening following a final 56-15 vote in the House. The first weddings will take place Aug. 1, when the law takes effect.

"I've been waiting 32 years for this day, and I never thought it would come in my lifetime," said Raymond Beausejour, a 66-year-old gay North Providence man who has been with his partner for 32 years. "For the first time in my life, I feel welcome in my own state."

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“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:20).

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