
Monday, May 6, 2013

Syria Says Israeli Strikes Were a Declaration of War

While some folks in the Middle East are saying they are appalled at Israel's actions, most of the Sunni-Arab Muslims are quietly clapping in the back rooms of their local mosque.


Because Iran supports Hezbollah and also supports the Assad government in Syria...and the Arab Sunnis aren't real fond of the Persian Shiites.

Some of these explosions that Israel caused were massive. 

Damascus, Syria (CNN) -- A series of massive explosions illuminated the dark sky over Damascus early Sunday, igniting renewed claims that Israel has launched attacks into the war-torn country.

Syria's government said the explosions were the second Israeli airstrike in three days. The latest target, officials said, was a military research facility outside the Syrian capital. A top Syrian official told CNN in an exclusive interview that the attack was a "declaration of war" by Israel.
Syrian authorities vowed to retaliate against Israel but did not specify what action they would take.
The Israeli military would not confirm or deny the Syrian claim that Israel fired rockets that hit the Jamraya research center in the Damascus suburbs.
Sunday's explosions mark the third time Israel has been accused of striking inside Syria this year.
The blasts rocked a large military area in the suburbs of Syria's capital, prompting terrified residents nearby to run for cover.
"Everything kept exploding over and over again," said Anna Deeb, whose family lives just over a mile away. "We could hear gunshots, we could hear people screaming. ... We didn't know what to do, and there was a problem with us breathing because the smoke was too much."
In an exclusive interview with CNN, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al Mekdad said the attack represented an alliance between Islamic terrorists and Israel.
"When they attack, this is a declaration of war. This is not something that is (new)," al Mekdad said. "We dealt with this on several occasions, and we retaliated the way we wanted, and the retaliation was always painful to Israel, and they will suffer again."
Remember friends, Syria and Damascus are both mentioned in it should not surprise any of us that they are in the front page news nearly every day.
It would seem that the labor pains just continue getting more frequent and also more painful as our Messiah's return to planet earth draws closer.
Does the thought of Jesus sudden return make you excited or scared?  Are you eager to have him show you your new mansion and restore your body to perfect....or are you having too much fun here on earth to pay much attention to Jesus and the things he told us to watch for?

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