
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hawking Supports Boycott of Israel

Wow!  Here is a big surprise!  Turns out the the world's foremost atheist is anti-Israel!  What a shocker!!

UK cosmologist Prof Stephen Hawking has withdrawn from a high-profile Israeli conference, in support of an academic boycott of the country.

He initially planned to speak at the event in June but pulled out following advice from Palestinian academics.

Pro-Palestinian campaigners said the 71-year-old wrote to the organisers on 3 May saying that he had planned to criticise the Israeli government.

"We had understood previously that his decision was based purely on health grounds having been advised by doctors not to fly," the spokesman added.

The withdrawal follows representations Prof Hawking received from Palestinian academics and pro-Palestinian groups.

But he was sharply criticised by conference organisers.

"The academic boycott against Israel is in our view outrageous and improper, certainly for someone for whom the spirit of liberty lies at the basis of his human and academic mission," conference chairman Israel Maimon said in a statement.

A spokesman for the Fair Play group, which campaigns against boycotts of Israel, described the scientist's withdrawal as "bizarre".


The evidence of God the Creator is all around us!  How can the smartest man in the world not see that life and the universe had Intelligent Design imprinted all over it? 

Of course he is living in rebellion to God.  And of course once you are becomes an easy jump to being an atheist who rejects anything to do with Israel and Jews.

"The word of God is foolishness to those who are perishing."

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