
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

UFO's 'Roam Our Skies"

Credible witnesses continue to come forth claiming that beings who are not human have been roaming our skies...maybe for thousands of years.

WASHINGTON—A former U.S. Air Force major with 5,000 flying hours described in detail his encounter with an UFO, telling former members of Congress at a hearing on extraterrestrial sightings that he has been interested in UFOs ever since.

“These space craft occasionally roam our skies and my theory is they have been coming here for thousands of years,” Major George Filer III said May 3, the last day of the week long Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club.

Filer was one of 39 witnesses who gave testimonies during the hearing, including former members of the U.S. military and federal agencies, researchers, academics and ordinary citizens.

A former Air Force intelligence officer, Filer was a pilot stationed at the U.S. Air Force base at Sculthorpe RAF Base in England in January 1962. He was out refueling fighter aircraft at around 30,000 feet over the North Sea, when he was notified from London Control that radar had picked up a UFO.

“It was an exceptionally large radar return reminding me of a large bridge or ship. This craft was bigger than anything I had seen in the air before. It reminded me of the radar return from the Brooklyn Bridge 6,000 feet or the Firth of Forth Bridge in Scotland (8,300) feet, over a mile long.
“The return was sharp and solid as compared to the fuzziness of a rain cloud. I felt this craft must be made of steel or strong metal. We were doing around 425 mph as we approached to about 10 miles, when the UFO apparently realized we were intercepting,” he said.

“It was a dark night; we could only see a series of dim lights directly ahead similar to a cruise ship at sea. Now only five miles separated us. Suddenly the UFO seemed to come alive, the lights brightened immensely and the UFO accelerated in a launch similar to the Space Shuttle taking off at night.

“We saw much brighter lights and fantastic acceleration as it climbed almost straight up and suddenly it was gone. These huge craft I learned are called mother ships, because like an aircraft carrier they carry smaller disc craft.


Remember friends, our battle is NOT against human flesh and blood but against the evil forces in the heavens. (Satan and his fallen angels)

For those of you who laugh and say, "There is no such thing as aliens!"....I would ask if you believe in angels?  If you say you DO believe in angels (who are not human but are intelligent, living beings) then by default you DO believe in 'aliens'.

If you go one step further and believe what the Bible says about Lucifer and 1/3 of the angelic host rebelling against God...then ask yourself the simple question..."What are these 1/3 of fallen angels up to?  What kind of deception have they been cooking for human beings?  Is it then possible that they are a heck of a lot smarter than we are?  Is it possible that they are going to pretend to be beings from some other planet, galaxy or solar system?"

If an airship full of fallen angels were to one day land on earth and tell us some fantastic story about how they have been watching the development of humans on many humans would buy into their story hook, line and sinker?

I'm guessing billions...especially if they come performing miracles, signs and wonders...

The Bible clearly tells us..."DO NOT BE DECEIVED!"

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