
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Alien Invasion

As you read Revelation 19 about the awesome return of Jesus Christ, have you ever wondered why the nations would be gathered to make war upon Jesus and his armies coming from heaven?  Why wouldn't they be gathered to welcome him back?  Why wouldn't they bow in reverence to the return of the King?

Revelation 19:19
Then I was the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the white horse. (Jesus)

What could the Antichrist have told these armies to make them gather and look to the skies?

Could it be that he will have the kings of the earth convinced that an invasion of nasty aliens is going to invade earth so they need to gather and fight?

Below are the comments of a well-known prophecy writer that were just published a few days ago.

Not long ago my wife and I were watching a 2008 remake of the movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” It originally came out in 1951. If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s the typical plot. Aliens come to earth. It isn’t known if they are friendly or want to take over, so they are assumed to be the enemy, which is usually a good call─but not always. I’ll not reveal any more of the movie in case you haven’t seen it and would like to, but what I have relayed to you shouldn’t be a surprise.

I visited an Internet site that had a listing of supposedly all the movies made concerning aliens. They went back as far as 1951 and totaled 331 including remakes. I actually counted them. Yeah I know. I must have a lot of time on my hands.

The History channel has “oodles” of specials on UFO sightings and abductions and even aliens from the past to the present. (I haven’t bothered to count how many.) In addition, paranormal programs are becoming very popular and numerous.

Because of this, it is my belief that the world’s system has unknowingly trained itself to accept alien abduction as a plausible justification to explain the Rapture when it occurs. But I digress.

As we were watching the movie, certain Scripture passages started coming to mind. I have always asked myself, “Why would not people fall on their knees and worship God when seeing Him in all His glory at the Second Coming?”
Revelation 19:19 (shown above), comes to mind. Why proclaim war against God? Why not cower in fear and plead for mercy? Perhaps there are at least two reasons:
1. When Jesus returns at the Second Coming, the remainder of mankind left on earth during the Tribulation who chose not to follow Christ instead of the Antichrist will have become so hardened, they will be consumed with hate, greed, lust and every other sin imaginable. They will hate God for what they have experienced during this time. They will fear Him, but despise Him even more.
2. I think it is also possible that they “may” attribute Jesus’ return at the Second Coming as an “alien invasion,” just has they “may” attribute the same to the Rapture. Nearly any movie you watch concerning alien invasions will depict earthlings shooting first and asking questions later. This very scenario “could” apply to Christ’s Second Coming.
It could even be possible that both of these reasons “may” be applicable. One thing is sure, the Tribulation era may seem like judgment from hell, but when the Lord returns, it will be recognized as judgment from Heaven for rebellion against God.
Sound unbelievable?  Yep...and so does a flood destroying the entire life on earth while only saving eight people.  So does Adam living beyond 900 years.  So does a supernatural being called Satan who rebelled and took 1/3 of the angelic host with him.  So does the Nephilim of Genesis 6.  There are LOTS OF UNBELIEVABLE stories in the Bible...because it is a SUPERNATURAL BOOK from outside dimension of time.
Now watch this video of Ronald Reagan talking about how mankind's differences would melt away in the face of an alien invasion.
He repeats his "alien threat" comments at the United Nations in front of a full audience.
As we have asked in past you think it's just one big coincidence that Hollywood is bombarding us with alien movies?  Nice aliens, bad aliens, funny aliens, horny aliens, alien doomsday, alien invasions, cartoon aliens...the list goes on and on.
Is it possible that we are being prepared to accept that aliens are as much a part of our universe as the sun and stars?
Is it possible that the Antichrist could convince us that some aliens are good and helpful to humans, but that the Jesus invasion of Revelation 19 needs to be stopped at all costs?!
Please remember that I believe these beings are NOT aliens from another galaxy or solar system...I believe they are demons in disguise.
1 Timothy 4:1
The Spirit clearly says that in later times (last days) some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
Lord, save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  Amen.

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