
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Voice of Reason Speaks Against Gay Marriage

We have a paper here in Minneapolis called the Star Tribune.  They are one of the lost liberal papers in the nation.  I believe I have witnessed people transform from Conservatives to Liberals simply by ingesting the Star Tribune every day for a handful of years....that's how liberal it is.

The Strib has one Conservative columnist and her name is Katherine Kersten.  She wrote an article last week for the Strib that I believe you need to read.

Minnesota plays pretend with marriage

The Right Side of History surely can’t be found on the Wrong Side of Reality.

One of the clearest things about Minnesota’s new gay-marriage law is that it requires Minnesotans to “play pretend” — to embrace obvious fictions as reality.
For example, the law states that citizens must view the union of two people of the same sex — who can’t produce a child — as identical to that of a man and woman, whose sexual complementarity is the only thing that can. The law also declares that, henceforth, “when necessary to implement the rights and responsibilities of spouses or parents in a civil marriage between persons of the same sex,” words like “mother” and “father” “must be construed in a neutral manner to refer to a person of either gender” under Minnesota law. But a woman can’t be a father, and a man can’t be a mother. It’s a biological fact Minnesota lawmakers can’t repeal, no matter how much they wish to.
Our lawmakers seem utterly untroubled by their vote to impose a regime of “let’s pretend.” What explains this?
Gay marriage is a crusade, and the driving force behind it is the secular religion of progressivism. This faith’s adherents put their hope, not in salvation after death, but in a hazy and glorious future here on Earth.
Modern man — at least many intellectuals — chafes under the constraints of reality. He longs to be “as a god,” to pretend that there are no givens, that “everything in the human condition is plastic and malleable.” In short, says Weigel, he craves to believe that “everything can … be bent to human willfulness, which is to say, human desire.”
Today, Gnosticism is most “powerfully embodied” in the Sexual Revolution and its ideology of gender, writes Weigel. That ideology holds that maleness and femaleness — two elements of the human condition that have always been understood as the essence of “givenness” — are now to be viewed as mere cultural constructs.
Weigel points to Spain’s Zapatero government, which passed a law in 2007 permitting men to change themselves into women, and vice versa, by a declaration at a government office — absent any surgery — after which a new national identity card, with the new gender, is issued. “It is hard to imagine a more explicit expression of personal willfulness overpowering natural givenness,” he concludes.
The gay marriage crusade is just the latest manifestation of the secular religion of America’s intellectual elites. Who knows what new game of “let’s pretend” our chattering classes will impose on us next?
Please notice that Katherine also brings up polygamy as being the next step in the crusade of, "We want to marry anyone we want and as many as we want!"
If you have the time, I believe we should all email Katherine and give her our support for writing this article...because you know the Strib readers are going to crucify her.
Her email is at the bottom of the article.
Hat tip to Guy B.

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