
Monday, June 10, 2013

Mark of the Beast Marches Nearer

We know that one day everyone on earth who wants to buy or sell anything will need to take a mark of some sort on their arm or forehead.

Just a few short years ago this would have never been possible for technology to track all the people on earth and the things they are buying and selling.

Today it is an easy reality...and Motorola is working on it.

Imagine not having to remember a half a dozen passwords and avoid having to input them countless times per day. Motorola is working on a digital tattoo or a indigestible pill that could do all the password authentication for you — no memorization or cheat sheet list required.
Motorola’s Advanced Technology and Projects Group Chief Regina Dugan, who was a former DARPA chief, showed off such an electronic tattoo at the recent D11 conference, according to SlashGear.
“Essentially your entire body becomes an authentication token,” she said.
Working with the company mc10 to develop a flexible, skin-like tattoo with this capability — which TheBlaze has seen before but it was used checking medical vital signs – Motorola is thinking this could someday be the next stage of durable, wearable technology.
SlashGear reported mc10 co-founder Ben Schlatka telling them last year more about the various uses of the electronic tattoo technology and also explaining how it could easily integrate into our everyday life:
“Imagine a kids’ fake tattoo that can sense how our bodies work: data from the heart, the brain, muscles, body temperature – even hydration levels,” Schlatka told SlashGear. “When a sensing technology conforms to the consumer and not the other way around, it can capture more insights for longer periods of time without discomfort or distraction.”
We hope this event happens after the rapture.  I believe that is exactly what will happen.  When millions of people vanish, it will be a major shock to the financial system.  People will be clamoring to put humpty-dumpty back together again...and a cashless society will really work well to accomplish this.

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