
Monday, June 10, 2013

Assad Says He is Serious About Attacking Israel

Just a short little blurb here from the Jerusalem Post.

Syrian President Bashar Assad was quoted by Lebanese paper Al Akhbar as saying that he is serious about opening a new front against Israel, Israel Radio reported on Monday.

The Syrian president reportedly said his attack on the Golan Heights will be more extensive than a random firing of rockets at the enemy. Syria's attack will be well thought out and planned, and it will be lengthy and influential, he said.


We honestly don't know if Psalm 83 actually describes a war between Israel and all her surrounding neighbors, including Syria...OR...if it is simply a lament and request from the psalmist for God to come and exact justice on Israel's enemies.  There are some really good prophecy watchers on both sides of that fence.

However, we continue to watch this volitile situation with Syria because Isaiah 17 and the destruction of Damascus has never happened, so we know that it will.

With Damascus in the news everyday and Israel in the news sure seems likely that something may pop any day now.

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