
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Are We Humans Simply Living in a Simulation?

What really IS reality? 

The Bible tells us over and over that what we are experiencing right now is not REAL!  The UNSEEN THINGS are all that is real, Paul tells us.

Peter tells us that one day the whole sky will be rolled back like a scroll and only then will we see things as they REALLY are. you think we may just be living in one giant simulation that God has created for the purposes of pointing out the Children of the Light and for letting us discover the good works that He prepared in advance for us to do?

Ever since the birth of Quantum Theory there has been speculation—some privately held, some very public—of what the implications of the existence of quanta really means. As measuring devices improved dramatically, they provided more clarity to the issue. Today it is an accepted “truth” that everything is quantized. Energy (as well as length, time, and mass) exists in discrete quantities, divisions if you will.
There are also other side-effects to this discovery. Everything is “connected.” All particles on the quantum level know what the other particles are doing, regardless of distance, instantaneously. Let that sink in. Also, there is a size at which, when dividing the particle in half, it becomes “non-local.” It is nowhere and everywhere. Every measurement of the universe in which we reside has a “quantum limitation.”
Since what we know of reality is based solely on our perception (what we see, hear, feel, taste and smell), it appears there is a foundational structure upon which all of the details “hang.”
If we entertain the idea that the Universe is not gravitationally based but is electrical, it certainly would fit even our most common understanding of a computer-generated simulation. Because of the many difficulties with the gravitational model of the universe, many physicists are being convinced of an electrical model. Many of the issues concerning missing mass, celestial interactions, black holes and the abnormality of temperatures on our own Sun dissolve with the electrical theory.

There is a movie from a few years back (The Thirteenth Floor) in which the simulated characters of a simulated world are confronted with the fundamental limitations of their “reality.” Because of the limitations of structure, they were forced to conclude they were living within a “program” created by an outside source.

Ironically, this is where the physicists of our time find themselves. Disregarding what the Bible has said all along, of course, they are seeking to quantify and confirm the obvious, yet unwanted, conclusion to where the evidence is leading them. Like all good “scientists” they are trying to creatively foster any explanation other than a Creator that loves them and has been trying to inform them in every way possible.
The interesting analysis that drives them is that we have “noticed” that our reality has limitations. It is not a foregone conclusion that if some alien culture is behind this simulation, it would be constructed in a way we could understand it. Since we can, at least so far, understand its limitations, this means one of two things; either the designer is like us or it is constructed for our discovery. Either scenario causes secular scientists headaches. How could “they” be like us when they are capable of such technologies? And why would they care that we can discover limitations that should be invisible to the participant?

Many are seeing this edge of reality as an obstacle to be overcome. They talk of entering into the “real world” by their own intellect and effort. This is vaguely reminiscent of the Tower of Babel. As man stumbles forward, the higher probability is of misstep. If God acted at Babel to halt their development capabilities, what more could He have in store for us now?
Holy Matrix!!  What if this whole "human experience" is just one big computer simulation?!?! 
Wouldn't that explain how God "knew us" before the foundations of the earth were created?!
Wouldn't that explain how He prepared good works "in advance" for us to complete?
Wouldn't this explain why when Jesus returns we will see him like he REALLY is because we will be LIKE HIM?!
Also notice the last few sentences and how scientists are on the verge of building their own TOWER OF BABEL to discover what is behind our reality...and then become like gods themselves!!
Yes, yes!  If God halted the Tower of Babel then...what may He have in store for us now?
I'm glad I know who my redeemer is!!....because all of this is way too complicated for my pea brain to figure out! 
Maybe that's a reason that Jesus said we need to come to him with faith like a child?

Finally one more side note...have you ever seen the XBOX/PLAYSTATION game called Sim City?  In that video game, YOU are the designer!  You set up buildings, streets, businesses, forests, sidewalks, etc...and then you pluck little people out of thin air and set them up in your simulated world and watch them walk around doing all the little tasks that you prepared IN ADVANCE for them to do.....think about it.

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