
Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Sissified, Needy Jesus

Some of you may have heard of the preacher named Voddie Baucham.  He is an old fashioned, hell-fire and brimstone, black pastor who tells it like it is.  Praise the Lord!!

If you want to say, "Amen!", please watch this 5 minute YouTube clip where he says that most pulpits are preaching a sissified, needy version of Jesus where he desperately needs you...and his heart is breaking for you...and he just sits there helpless, begging you to come to him. (remember the book The Shack?)

Of course most of the liberal believers of Jesus believe just that!  Their Jesus is a docile, non-violent, fairly feminine man who came to earth to show us how to SAVE THE EARTH, be tolerant of everyone and everything and certainly to recycle, shun fossil fuels and STOP global warming.

How surprised they will be when Jesus of Revelation 19 returns to earth bringing the wrath of God!

Watch it here;

Hat tip to Mick L.


  1. Jesus was a non-violent person. That's essentially his entire story is peaceful, loving, non-violent interaction with fellow humans.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    yes Jesus came as the suffering servant and was mostly nonviolent (except when he turned over the money changer's tables and chased them out of His father's house) Also remember that Jesus was there when the Egyptians were killed in the Exodus, Jesus was there when the walls of jericho fell and they killed the entire city, Jesus was there when Sodom and Gomorah was destroyed and all people were killed...the list goes on and on. Jesus IS GOD and has been present at it all. And of course when Jesus returns, HE IS NOT coming back as a gentle lamb...he WILL be bringing the wrath of God to lay the nations low. Re read Revelation 19. He will be ruling the earth with an iron rod. How many humans will die when Jesus returns and he opens his mouth? Do you think he is coming back to bake cup cakes and sing kum-ba-yah...or what?

  3. Different anonymous here...So if Jesus was in the OT (as you rightly state), then was the Gospel in the OT? I've heard from some teachers that people in the OT were saved by obedience to the Law. Can you help clarify? Thanks.

  4. Hi different anonymous,
    I would probably be the wrong person to ask on theological OT questions...but I will take a stab anyway...and you can flush it if you choose to.

    Yes, the Gospel story is in the OT. Isaiah told us he would be born of a virgin and rejected by his own people, tried and condemned. Micah told us that he would be born in Bethlehem. Zechariah said he would enter Jerusalem in triumph. Psalms told us he would be mocked and insulted and would die by crucifixion. Isaiah told us he was to die as a sacrifice for sin and Psalm said he would be raised from the dead.

    So I have heard some say that those folks in the OT were saved by faith that the Messiah was coming! Check out the passage from Matthew 2:25. The story is about Simeon, "who was righteous and devout." He had asked the Lord to keep him alive until he had seen the Messiah. Simeon was waiting for the Messiah to come AND he was righteous and guessin we will see Simeon in eternity.

    Also remember that Jesus had a mission to do when he died. One task was he went to the bosom of Abraham and 'set the captives free' who had already died and were waiting for Jesus to fulfill his mission.

    Acts says that God reveals himself through nature and the created things so that no man will have an excuse. So I have no idea HOW people will be judged who have never heard the Gospel? Maybe they will be judged by how much they rejected and how much they rebelled against God? But I do know that for those of us all in America who have a church on every corner, a sermon broadcast on every radio and TV and Bibles in every book will be very hard to say, "But Jesus, I never had any clue who you were!"
