
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Transgender Prom Queen Elected

So let me think about this for a second....since a Prom Queen is always a female...this story must be about a man who thinks he is a woman so has started dressing like one...and HE got elected as the Prom Queen at his high school!!

Got it!!

Also please pay attention to the glorious statement by the Prom Queen's principal.  It's simply awesome!!

MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. ( -- A Middleborough High School girl became the town's first transgender prom queen Tuesday.

Cody Tubman proudly donned her sash the day after the big dance. The teen tells FOX 25 she "came out" freshman year to her mother, Tammy.

"I leaned over and I gave him a big hug," said Tammy.

Cody began dressing as a woman around sophomore year and the high school was responsive to her needs, allowing her to use the female bathrooms and locker rooms.

"I thought people weren't gonna understand and that's what I was afraid of. But, people did understand," said Tammy.

Principal Paul Branagan expressed his pride in the student body's atmosphere of acceptance.

"This is a community and a school community in particular that is very accepting and I think that's a true testament to that," said Branagan.

Cody was the belle of the ball Tuesday as she proudly wore her tiara.

"It was surprising and it was exciting, cause I was like, we're coming really far," Cody explained.

Read more:

"....his pride in the student body's atmosphere of acceptance."  Do you love it?!?!

As a parent, how would YOU feel if a man with a penis and testicles, started sharing a locker room and showers with your high school daughter at school?

If you don't had best keep your comments to yourself...because you will be called an "intolerant hater."

I wonder what Cody had to do to get into the girl's locker room?  Did he just have to put on a dress one day and tell people he felt like a woman...and they automatically gave him the key to the girl's locker?

How is the government going to make a person prove that they are gay or transgender?  Will you have to submit pictures of yourself engaging in gay sex (like the Turkish Army)....or will they just take your word for it and let ANY MAN who claims to be a woman walk right into any woman's bathroom, locker room, shower or sauna that they want?

Will it be like becoming a resident of new state?...where maybe you have to dress like the opposite sex for 6 months and 1 day of the previous year in order to PROVE that you are transgender?

Will you actually have to have your penis removed and a vagina fashioned....or can you just keep your penis and parade it around in the YMCA shower with all the women and little girls there?

This is going to lead to all sorts of opportunity for mischief.

Friends, now that Pandora's box has been opened and every perverse thought or action HAS TO BE TOLERATED AND ACCEPTED as "good" simply can't go back to the way it was!!

We ARE heading down the road to destruction....where every man (or woman) does whatever they want...where personal desires trump societal needs...and morals are whatever you can dream up. (anarchy)

"In those days America ceased to fear God, so every man did as he saw fit."

Hat tip to Julie E.

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