
Thursday, June 6, 2013

U.S Senator Says Aliens Are Here

Are we getting closer to FULL DISCLOSURE on what all these UFO's, crop circles and extraterrestrial sightings actually are?...or at least what the governments of the world THINK they are?

In the past few years, A LOT of credible folks have come forward to say that visitors from outside our dimension are actually here...and that the governments of the world are trying to keep it a secret for National Security reasons.

A few weeks ago, we had a Democratic Senator from Alaska telling us just that.

See one of his interviews here;

Are all these people insane? the ruler of this world, the Prince of the powers of the air (Satan), getting ready for a massive deception?

Ask yourselves what you believe the FALLEN ANGELS and SATAN have been up to since they rebelled?  Since we know they are physical beings...where are they?

"But Dennis, I don't believe in aliens."

So do you believe in angels?  If you are a Bible believer, you better believe in angels!  So what are they...human beings with wings?  Of course definition they are an ALIEN RACE of beings...and they are right here among us doing the work of the Lord.

So are the fallen angels also right here among us doing the work of their master, Satan?  Are they maybe disquising themselves as aliens from another planet in order to decieve those who DON'T KNOW their Bibles?

Think about it....


  1. "Where are fallen angels?"
    Jude 1:6 - "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day."

    2 Peter 2:4 - "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;"

    Fallen angels do not have creative power, only God does. Fallen angels cannot materialize into physical beings, human, alien, or otherwise. Fallen angels have been cast to hell into chains of darkness reserved for final judgment.

    God fearing Christians don't believe that fallen angels are "disguising themselves as aliens from another planet" precisely because we know our Bibles. Think about it...

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    which angels are kept until judgment? All of them...or just some that committed a particular sin? Read Genesis 6 and understand the hybrid beings called the Nephilim were on the earth BEFORE the flood (was this the reason FOR the flood) and the Bible says they were on the earth afterward as well...which has to mean that fallen angels started the same perverse plan again. You may consider checking out the book of Enoch. Our new testament writers were VERY familiar with this book which describes in detail this perverse plan carried out by fallen angels. Also you may consider 1 John 5 which tells us that THE WHOLE WORLD IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE EVIL ONE. Also consider the Bible uses a name for Satan and refers to hims as the PRINCE OF THE POWERS OF THE AIR.

    When it comes to your comment that God fearing Christians don't believe that fallen angels may have something to do with the alien agenda...I would have to vehemently disagree as I am a God fearing Christian and I believe that Satan and his minions are behind this...also Chuck Missler, Gary Stearman, Thomas Horn, and many other mainstream prophecy writers also believe this...and they are very much God fearing Christians.

    Of course you don't have to believe this to be saved...just like you don't have to believe in the rapture to be saved.

    How would you explain the millions of sightings of UFOs, abductions and even implants removed that are not of this world?
