
Thursday, June 6, 2013

No Gold In Fort Knox?

OK friends....there are a few concerning tidbits of info in this next article that could put a serious wrinkle in our day.

Remember, (for the 36th time) that our current financial system is based on confidence and faith.  "Backed by the full faith and confidence of the U.S. Government" what the paper money says.  It's no longer backed by silver and gold.

And remember that the ENTIRE WORLD has it's currency system pegged to ours....meaning that if ours were to zero out in the confidence would most of the rest of Western Civilization.

A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes, too, she explained. In an interview with The New American, Hudes said that when she tried to blow the whistle on multiple problems at the World Bank, she was fired for her efforts. Now, along with a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of success. 

Citing an explosive 2011 Swiss study published in the PLOS ONE journal on the “network of global corporate control,” Hudes pointed out that a small group of entities — mostly financial institutions and especially central banks — exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes. “What is really going on is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” she explained, adding that the “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to dominate the media as well. “They’re being allowed to do it.”

According to the peer-reviewed paper, which presented the first global investigation of ownership architecture in the international economy, transnational corporations form a “giant bow-tie structure.” A large portion of control, meanwhile, “flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions.” The researchers described the core as an “economic ‘super-entity’” that raises important issues for policymakers and researchers. Of course, the implications are enormous for citizens as well.

Hudes, an attorney who spent some two decades working in the World Bank’s legal department, has observed the machinations of the network up close. “I realized we were now dealing with something known as state capture, which is where the institutions of government are co-opted by the group that’s corrupt,” she told The New American in a phone interview. “The pillars of the U.S. government — some of them — are dysfunctional because of state capture; this is a big story, this is a big cover up.”

“The group that we’re talking about from the Zurich study — that’s the Federal Reserve; it has some other pieces to it, but that’s the Federal Reserve,” Hudes explained. “So the Federal Reserve secretly dominated the world economy using secret, interlocking corporate directorates, and terrorizing anybody who managed to figure out that they were having any kind of role, and putting people in very important positions so that they could get a free pass.”

The shadowy but immensely powerful
Bank for International Settlements serves as “the club of these private central bankers,” Hudes continued. “Now, are people going to want interest on their country’s debts to continue to be paid to that group when they find out the secret tricks that that group has been doing? Don’t forget how they’ve enriched themselves extraordinarily and how they’ve taken taxpayer money for the bailout.”


As far as intervening in the gold price, Hudes said it was an effort by the powerful network and its central banks to “hold onto its paper currency” — a suspicion shared by many analysts and even senior government officials. The World Bank whistleblower also said that contrary to official claims, she did not believe there was any gold being held in Fort Knox. Even congressmen and foreign governments have tried to find out if the precious metals were still there, but they met with little success. Hudes, however, believes the scam will eventually come undone.


Holy illusion!!  We have a few shadowy dudes pulling the levers on the whole flipping world!!  You mean it's possible there is NO GOLD AT FORT KNOX?!?!?!

Holy confidence collapse!!

Remember the Wizard of OZ??  He was a terrifying figure until Toto pulled back the curtain to reveal he was just a short dude pulling some levers.  Once that happened all the confidence in the Wizard of Oz evaporated!!  He wasn't really powerful at all!!

Please cut and paste this exact scenario onto a few global bankers who are now desperately trying to save their paper currency standing on a stool and pulling levers!

I gotta tell you...I'm with Karen on this one...the scam will eventually come undone.

So when it does....what will the $1 million in savings you worked your whole life to put away be worth?  Would it make you wonder why you worked so hard to save worthless paper?  Will Jesus ask us why we worked so hard to gather worthless paper and worked so little on gathering eternal wealth?  What will we answer Him?

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