
Friday, June 7, 2013

Russian Troops on the Golan?

Most prophecy watchers believe that Russia is going to have some role to play in the Last Days probably as part of an invasion force mentioned in Ezekiel this breaking news today is say the least.

Putin: Russia can replace Austria in Golan UN force

MOSCOW - President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia is ready to send peacekeepers to the Golan Heights to replace Austrian forces after Vienna said it would recall its troops from a UN monitoring force due to worsening fighting in Syria.

"We could replace the leaving Austrian contingent in this region on the border between Israeli troops and the Syrian army," Putin told the RIA Novosti news agency.


Hat tip to Julie E. and Tom F.  They both sent me this article within 3 minutes of each other...even though they have never met and are 1500 miles apart!

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