Thursday, June 27, 2013

Iran and the 12th Imam

Iran has a new Ahmadinejad is gone for now.

Of course the media seems breathless to report that the newly 'elected' president is certainly more "moderate" than Ahmadinejad....but it appears the new president is also a believer in the soon return of the 12th we will probably be posting more on this later.

However, a reader caught this little blurb about Ahmadinejad.  It seems that some folks in the Iranian government believe that Ahmadinejad WILL BE BACK when the 12th Imam returns.

Remember folks, the 12th Imam disappeared into a well about 1000 years ago and has been waiting to return to earth to kill or convert all people to Islam and set up a global rule for Islam.

An Iranian government spokesman has said that outgoing President Mahmud Ahmadinejad will return with the Hidden Imam, who according to Shi'ite belief went into hiding in the 10th century and will reappear to bring justice to Earth.

"God willing, with the manifestation of Imam Mehdi, Ahmadinejad will also return and work for the establishment of pure Islam," spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham was quoted as saying by Iranian news agencies.

Ahmadinejad and his close aides have been criticized in Iran over their repeated references to Mahdi and signs of his imminent coming.

Ahmadinejad came under fire in March for saying that former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will be resurrected alongside Jesus and the Hidden Imam.


Holy resurrection!!  You mean Hugo Chavez is also going to come back with Jesus and the 12th Imam?!?!  What a party of miscreants that will be!!

Satan is certainly working overtime to corrupt the Word of God in these last days.

Can you see how a billion Muslims may be prepared to accept the Antichrist...whom they will believe is their promised 12th Imam?  And maybe the false prophet, spoken of in Revelation, will actually be some dude parading as Jesus?  "There will be false Christs....", warns Jesus.

Are you ready for the trumpet to blow so the followers of Christ won't have to worry about the mass of confusion that seems ready to befall planet earth?

Hat tip to Tom F.


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