
Monday, June 3, 2013

Many Reasons To Expect War This Summer

One has to wonder how long the unrest can continue spilling out of Syria before other neighboring countries get dragged in.

Maybe this summer would be a good time for Israel to open up their arsenal and put a little rest to all the unrest taking place in Syria, Iran, Lebanon, and now Turkey?

Sooner or later Israel will have to bomb Iran. Better sooner, because Iran is quickly approaching Israel’s red line.

Since intelligence is never precise, why wait til the last minute?

Summer and early fall is the best time to attack because that’s when the sky is the clearest.

Israel is committed to destroying the S-300 missile defense systems should they arrive in Syria.

Close to 5,000 Hizbullah troops, if not more, are now fighting in Syria. Thus they are concentrated, which makes their destruction easier. Also they are no longer guarding, with full force, their missiles stored in Lebanon.

Israel could call for a mobilization due to perceived threats from Syria. Then it could mount an all-out ground attack on the stockpile of missiles in Lebanon. The Sunnis in Lebanon, including the Lebanese government, would probably stand aside and let Israel solve their Hizbullah problem for them.

Israel could then go east and destroy the Hizbullah troops.

Hamas would stay quiet because it is in Qatar’s interest and Turkey’s interest that they do so. Qatar and Turkey would love to see Israel destroy Hizbullah because that would aid their efforts to bring down Assad.

Obama would like that too. It would take the pressure off the US to act.

It would be nice to get Hizbullah out of the way for when Israel attacks Iran. Saudi Arabia and Qatar would be supportive.


You can file this one under "war and rumors of war."

It certainly appears that the conditions are lining up EXACTLY for something VERY prophetic to happen.

The players of Isaiah 17, Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 are all being put on the stage at the same time...and Israel will be right in the middle of it all!

How awesome that Bible believers know how it all ends!! 

We need to pray like Daniel and say, "Lord, you have told us in your Word what you are going to do so now we pray that you will do it!"

As always, NOW is the time that we all need to tell our lost friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc....that God is moving and His Word is active!  We need Christ as the ONLY answer for eternal life.

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