
Monday, June 3, 2013

Israel is an Embarrassment to Islam

With all the millions of square miles of territory that Muslims (of all sects) control...why the heck do they have such a HUGE PROBLEM with a few million Jews living on a microscopic piece of land?

Simple answer...the presence of Israel is embarrassing to their claims that "Allah is the greatest!"

Also, the Arabs said that the Jews were descendants of apes and how did they kick the living crap out the Arabs who made those claims?  That IS embarrassing!!

At 4:00PM on May 14, 1948 the modern State of Israel was born, and that obviously makes May 14, 2013 her 65th birthday. Bible students who for centuries believed that the ancient Hebrew prophets wrote of a literal rebirth of Israel during the last days were finally vindicated. A number of Christians of that day were both astonished and quickened in their spirits as the news gradually filtered down to main-street America and to small churches along the dusty roads of rural communities. No amount of condescending secular/political explanations from prophecy-rejecting, high-brow scholars could temper the excitement in the hearts of those who knew the scriptures and simply believed them.

News soon came that the combined armies of five Arab nations invaded Israel with the stated purpose of annihilating every Jew. Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League said, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” [“Interview with Abd al-Rahman Azzam Pasha”, Akhbar al-Yom (Egypt), (October 11, 1947); translated by R. Green]

The combined military power of Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria was defeated by a relatively small group of rag-tag Jews who, in addition to having very limited supplies of small weapons and not even one tank, had just come from the death camps of Nazi Europe. That they prevailed can solely be attributed to God’s hand in the affairs of men and states.

The reaction in the Muslim world, however, was quite different. They, too, were astonished, but for a different reason. For centuries prior to 1948 Muslims had been instilled with the unquestionable and non-debatable Islamic teaching that the land of Palestine belonged to Muslims only. Using the most virulent of speeches the Imams had been assuring the faithful that the Jews would never possess the land itself much less Jerusalem, the 3rd holiest city in Islam following Mecca and Medina. But the Jews did, and this was the deepest of humiliations for the Arab Muslim world. As a result they refer to Israel’s Independence Day as Yawm an-Nakba, “Day of the Catastrophe”.

There are several reasons the Muslim world calls the rebirth of Israel a catastrophe, and they are important. But, before those reasons can be briefly listed something else must be clearly understood. The fact is this: the Muslim world is being used as a powerful tool by Satan in his go-for-broke effort to annihilate the Jewish State and the Jewish people. That is at the crux of the entire conflict that keeps the Middle East, and the entire world, on the precipice of a heated war.


Yes sir!!  Islam IS being used as a powerful tool of Satan!  Satan knows that if he has ANY CHANCE of breaking God's Word he NEEDS TO DESTROY ISRAEL AND ALL THE JEWS!!

If he can destroy Israel after it has been re birthed, Satan can then call in all the angelic host and say, "See!  I can thwart God's plan!  I am the greatest!!"

If he can kill all the Jews...then there CAN'T be the promised 144,000 Jewish, virgin males to evangelize the world for Christ during The Tribulation.  Also there wouldn't be any Jews left to call out to Messiah to save them near the end of the you can see why Satan so hates the Jews and Israel...and needs to destroy them both.

As of now he must believe that he has a good chance of doing so with chemical and nuclear weapons...if he can only get them into the hands of the right people....

What an amazing story to watch play out right before our very eyes! 

We serve an awesome God...

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