
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The False Propserity We Are Currently Enjoying

Hey!  Things are looking up!!  Car and pick-up truck sales are setting records!  The restaurants are packed!  Housing prices just recorded their biggest uptick in years!  Unemployment numbers are heading down!  Consumer confidence is on the rise!  Things are awesome!  Happy days are here again!

Or are they?....

The article below lists 18 specific signs that the world's financial system may be about ready to suffer a serious shock...maybe in the next 40 days.

This is no time to be complacent. Massive economic problems are erupting all over the globe, but most people seem to believe that everything is going to be just fine. In fact, a whole bunch of recent polls and surveys show that the American people are starting to feel much better about how the U.S. economy is performing. Unfortunately, the false prosperity that we are currently enjoying is not going to last much longer. Just look at what is happening in Europe. The eurozone is now in the midst of the longest recession that it has ever experienced. Just look at what is happening over in Asia. Economic growth in India is the lowest that it has been in a decade and the Japanese financial system is beginning to spin wildly out of control. One of the only places on the entire planet where serious economic problems have not already erupted is in the United States, and that is only because we have "kicked the can down the road" by recklessly printing money and by borrowing money at an unprecedented rate. Unfortunately, the "sugar high" produced by those foolish measures is starting to wear off. We are going to experience a massive amount of economic pain along with the rest of the world - it is just a matter of time.

Wall Street has had a good couple of years, but it has been a "false prosperity" that has been pumped up by reckless money printing by the Federal Reserve. Just like all of the other stock market bubbles that we have seen in recent years, this one is going to burst too. And as Marc Faber recently pointed out, this bubble has been particularly beneficial to the wealthy...

"The Fed has been flooding the system with money. The problem is the money doesn't flow into the system evenly. It doesn't increase economic activity and asset prices in concert. Instead, it creates dangerous excesses in countries and asset classes. Money-printing fueled the colossal stock-market bubble of 1999-2000, when the Nasdaq more than doubled, becoming disconnected from economic reality. It fueled the housing bubble, which burst in 2008, and the commodities bubble. Now money is flowing into the high-end asset market - things like stocks, bonds, art, wine, jewelry, and luxury real estate.
Money-printing boosts the economy of the people closest to the money flow. But it doesn't help the worker in Detroit, or the vast majority of the middle class. It leads to a widening wealth gap. The majority loses, and the minority wins."

What happened back in 2008 was just a preview.

What is coming next is going to absolutely shock the world.


Yep!  No doubt the rapture is going to SHOCK THE WORLD!  And then the final 7 years of tribulation and wrath will really SHOCK THE WORLD!

Remember friends...the current financial system HAS TO GO AWAY in order for a NEW GLOBAL SYSTEM to enter in.  When the NEW SYSTEM comes it will be taken over by the Man of Lawlessness, also known as the Antichrist.

If all these things are on the verge of much closer are we to hearing the trumpet??

With all this as a backdrop, are we spending our time on eternal things if we truly understand that our Redeemer is close?  OR...are we getting bogged down in all the cares of this world and the desire for that we simply never mature as spiritual beings who were sent here on a mission from Christ?

Luke 8:14
The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.

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