
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Worst Flooding in 500 Years

Here in the USA it would seem that The West is on fire while parts of the Midwest and South are flooding.

Millions of acres of prime corn ground have not even been planted as it hasn't dried up enough to get tractors into the fields.

I wonder how that may affect food prices this fall....since corn syrup, corn starch, corn meal and corn sweeteners are put in about 90% of the grocery store products we buy.

So for those of us in Wright County, MN...we will try not to complain too loudly about our cold, damp spring....because a person doesn't have to go too far in any direction to find things much worse.

So this headline caught my eye today as pretty extreme;

Flooding worst in 500 years in parts of Europe
PRAGUE, Czech Republic, June 3 (UPI) -- Deadly flooding in some parts of central Europe Monday reached levels unseen for 500 years, officials said. The death toll was at least nine.
In the Czech Republic, where the deaths of at least seven people were attributed to floodwaters and 3,000 people were forced from their homes, dams were opened to relieve the pressure, pushing the River Vltava higher. The river, which flows through Prague, the capital, was expected to crest Tuesday morning, the BBC reported.

Main roads throughout central Europe were closed and rail service was cut. Electricity in some areas was turned off as a precaution.

At least eight people were reported missing, including three in Austria, officials said.

In Germany, more than 7,000 people were evacuated from their homes in Eilenburg. The city of Rosenheim also was under a state of emergency.

In Saxony, water levels on the River Mulde were said to be particularly high.

Bavaria's flood-alert service said the forecast called for heavy rain that could worsen the flooding along the Danube and the Inn rivers, and other rivers in the area.

Prague was on high alert amid fears floodwaters could envelope its historic center, including the 14th century Charles Bridge and other buildings near the riverbank.

Read more:

Is it just me?....or does there seem to be a lot of BIRTH PANGS going on all over the world?

What's amazing is that as the frequency of extreme events increases....people, even within The Church, seem to fall into a deeper level of sleep.  It's almost like the amazing news is coming so fast that they get numb to it, so they turn the channel to American Idol or the Stanley Cup and refuse to look at the signs all around.

Here are a few things to 50 years, most of the folks reading this blog will have died and faced either of two outcomes;  Jesus and eternal life OR they will be in hell awaiting final judgment from Christ at the end of the Millennium.

However, IF the trumpet blows later today, or next month, or next year...those who have accepted Christ will be with him for eternity.

Either way...those of us who know Christ have a VERY SHORT amount of time left in these earthly, human bodies.

So what shall we do with that short amount of time?  Spend our time planning our homes, cabins, cars, 401k's, and all the other material possessions of our dreams?...OR...should we spend our few remaining years attempting to discover and DO the good works which Jesus prepared in advance for us to do?

Of course the answer is's just that the voices of this materialistic, consumer society keep calling to us SO LOUDLY!

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