
Monday, June 17, 2013

Massive Blast Lights Up Damascus

Keep your eyes on it folks!

DAMASCUS, Syria, June 17 (UPI) -- An explosion one witness said sounded "like thunder" slammed a Damascus neighborhood where several embassies and a military airport are located late Sunday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition group based in London, said a car bomb was set off at a checkpoint near the military airport in the Mezzeh section of Damascus, The (Beirut, Lebanon) Daily Star reported.

The Observatory said there were reports of casualties, but provided no figures.

The Observatory said there were reports of casualties, but provided no figures.
"It was so big. There was a white light followed by a sound like thunder," said one resident who was several kilometers from the site.

Syrian state TV referred to the blast as "a terrorist attempt to target Mezzeh military airport," the BBC reported

The British network said there were unconfirmed reports of about 20 soldiers killed or wounded in the massive blast.
Sarah Palin was speaking at some event recently.  When asked about what USA should do in Syria, she said, "Let Allah figure it out!"

I thought that was a clever answer...but sadly its not going to be that easy.  USA has already sent some troops to pave the way for Obama to start arming the rebels...WHOEVER THEY ARE.

Understand that every gun we send them is one day going to find its way to be used on Israel or turned back on us.

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