
Monday, June 17, 2013

Egypt Severs Ties With Damascus

Hey!...this Muslim on Muslim spat in the Middle East is getting serious!!

Now we have Egypt (Sunni led Muslim Brotherhood) saying they have had enough of Syria's government. (Shiite led)  They are even pulling their embassy in Damascus!!

CAIRO (TheBlaze/AP) — Egypt’s Islamist president announced Saturday that he was cutting off diplomatic relations with Syria and closing Damascus’ embassy in Cairo, decisions made amid growing calls from hard-line Sunni clerics in Egypt and elsewhere to launch a “holy war” against Syria’s embattled regime.

Mohammed Morsi told thousands of supporters at a rally in Cairo that his government was also withdrawing the Egyptian charge d’affaires from Damascus. He called on Lebanon’s Hezbollah to leave Syria, where the Iranian-backed Shiite militant group has been fighting alongside troops loyal to embattled President Bashar Assad against the mostly Sunni rebels.
“Hezbollah must leave Syria. This is serious talk: There is no business or place for Hezbollah in Syria,” said Morsi, Egypt’s first freely elected president.
Morsi’s address, particularly his call on Hezbollah to leave Syria, and the fiery rhetoric used by well-known Muslim clerics this weekend point to the increasing perception of the Syrian conflict as sectarian. At least 93,000 people have been killed since turmoil there began more than two years ago.
The rally that Morsi addressed on Saturday was called for by hardline Islamists loyal to the Egyptian president to show solidarity with the people of Syria. However, Morsi also used the occasion to warn his opponents at home against the use of violence in mass protests planned for June 30, the anniversary of his assumption to power.
Morsi’s allies say the protests have no legal basis and amount to a coup against his legitimate rule. They have been calling on opposition leaders to enter a national political dialogue to resolve the crisis, but the opposition has turned down the offer, claiming that previous rounds of dialogue did not yield results.
Spearheading the opposition to Morsi’s rule now is a youth protest movement called Tamarod, or rebel, which claims to have collected millions of signatures of Egyptians who want Morsi to step down. Organizers say they aim to collect the signatures of more people than those who voted for Morsi in the June 2012 election. is hard not to read this and get a little bit giddy.  Think about it....the Muslim Sunni terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood) are threatening the Muslim Sunni terrorists (Hezbollah)!  What could possibly be better??  Shouldn't we encourage them to shoot as many of each other as possible?
Yes, I know...that's not a Christian thought. 
Our hearts SHOULD BE breaking for all these lost Muslim terrorists who bow to Allah 5 times per day and have fallen for Satan's whole basket of lies....because every time one of them dies, he wakes up in hell and will be separated from Christ for eternity! 
However, I will confess it is hard to feel compassion for butchers screaming "Allah Akbar" as they murder women and children and cut each other's heads off. 

Lord help us.
Also please remember that there are bigger currents running through this story as Russia throws its weight behind Syria's Dictator Assad.  That is an "in your face" to Obama announcing he wants Assad GONE!
For now, let's file this article under, WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR....with a sub-file set in ISAIAH 17....who knows... maybe even the rats can sense that the ship is about to be destroyed and are jumping off?!?!

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