
Monday, June 17, 2013

Muslim Lawyers Want Obama Arrested

What the heck??  I thought Obama was going to make it so everyone liked the USA again?...after that nasty President Bush made us so unpopular??  I thought he was going to push the RESET button with all these Muslim countries and even with Russia??

I think he hit the SELF DESTRUCT button instead....

The Muslim Lawyers Association in Johannesburg wants US President Barack Obama arrested and tried for war crimes when he arrives in South Africa on June 29.

It submitted a 600-plus page document to the Office of the National Director of Public Prosecutions on Friday asking for an investigation into Obama's involvement in the Middle East.

Group spokesman Yousha Tayob said Obama ordered drone strikes that killed innocent civilians.
In terms of the Rome Statute, South Africa has the right to prosecute a war criminal on its territory, said Tayob.

Researchers from New York University School of Law and Stanford University Law School recently released a report entitled "Living Under Drones: Death, Injury and Trauma to Civilians From US Drone Practices in Pakistan".

They found that in four years Obama commissioned five times more drone attacks than former president George W Bush did in his two terms in the White House .

The report estimates drones have killed between 474 and 881 civilians, including 176 children.
The US Embassy in South Africa's spokesman Jack Hillmeyer said it had "no comment".

National Prosecuting Authority spokesman Bulelwa Makeke said the office had received the docket and was studying it.


Holy drone attack!!  You mean Obama has ordered 5 times MORE drone attacks in one term than Bush did during two terms??

Well hold on there, Bubalooey....the drone program wasn't at full capacity when 9/11 happened and Bush went into TERRORIST DESTRUCT that statistic is more than a little misleading.

However, it should prove one thing to Obama;  You simply can't be the "decider" and have everyone like you.  The other thing it should prove is that it is A LOT easier to criticize the President than it is to BE the president.

We have no way of knowing if these stats are true, but I wonder how many civilians and children were killed by random bombs being dropped from planes in WWII??  I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say it was HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS....not to mention the 200,000 civilians that USA incinerated in Japan by dropping two nuclear bombs.

So get over it Muslim Lawyers!!  Why don't you go file a lawsuit against the Sunni Muslims and Shiite they have killed a lot more civilians...and are guilty of far more war crimes than Obama is!

Hey...wait a tick....did I just defend Obama??  What the heck....?

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