Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Widest Tornado EVER!!

Poor Oklahoma!  Another day of tornadoes coming.  Of course we would say that this is simply more evidence of birth pangs as the earth continues to groan.

In our continuing quest to bring you extreme headlines with the words EVER, NEVER, BIGGEST, STRONGEST and ON RECORD in them...we offer up this one.

El Reno tornado, at 2.6 miles across, was widest on record

The tornado that struck El Reno, Okla., on Friday night is believed to be the widest on record in the United States at 2.6 miles across, the National Weather Service reported on Tuesday.

The May 31 twister beat the previous record, a 2.5-mile wide storm that struck Hallam, Neb., on May 22, 2004
The Friday tornado and its resulting flooding claimed 18 lives, including six children and a dozen adults, the Oklahoma Medical Examiner reported on Tuesday. Six of the victims remain unidentified.

Area hospitals treated 115 injuries after Friday’s storm, the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management said.



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