
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A "Wave" of Gay Marriage Coming

I hear other Christians say, "I think God has other problems a lot bigger than men marrying men."

What?  I am simply dismayed when I hear that!

First off, God doesn't have "problems".  He knows EXACTLY what is transpiring everywhere and at all times.

Secondly, that comment belittles SIN!  And SIN was the reason that Christ came!  The entire world is in chaos because of SIN!

Sadly, I believe the USA has slid too far down the slide of gay marriage....and according to this article...another big wave of gay marriage states is coming.  There will be NO going back.

After two big victories for gay marriage June 26 in the US Supreme Court, proponents have momentum as the battle returns to the states.

Three more states – Illinois, New Jersey, and Hawaii – could legalize same-sex marriage this year, joining 13 states plus the District of Columbia that already allow it. Next year could see another wave, with as many as five states moving to repeal constitutional bans. Nevada’s constitutional ban could fall in 2016. And New Mexico, which does not have a constitutional ban, could also take action. Court cases could also hasten legalization in some states and are ultimately expected to bring the issue back to the US Supreme Court.

Click here to see article and the list of 11 Battleground states for gay marriage.

Also notice that the courts are throwing out CONSTITUTIONAL BANS in the states that have them.  This was exactly the reason that voters put them in the constitution....because they were scared of the liberal judges!

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