
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Enough to Wipe Out the Entire Country

First off, sorry for the slow down on my blogging activity.  We have been busy this week hosting a camp for 9 yr olds at our farm.  I promise to pick up the activity next week.

Syria continues to be a Satanically-inspired mess.  Of course we could write of the atrocities of Syrian on Syrian violence every day...but this article caught our attention because it talked about enough chemical weapons to destroy the ENTIRE country of Syria.

While Russian experts have issued a report about an investigation into chemical weapons use in Syria, the Syrian Armed Forces seized a massive chemical depot from foreign backed insurgents after a heavy gunfight. The seized chemicals would, according to Syrian sources, have been sufficient to cause mass death on an unprecedented scale.

The seizure of the chemicals from the insurgents coincides with recent intelligence reports, according to which a renewed, political and military campaign against Syria will be initiated by the “opposition”, the insurgents, and the international alliance behind the war on Syria. The war has claimed more than 93.000 lives and displaced hundreds of thousands, since 2011. 

Massive Chemical Depot Seized from Insurgents in Banis, Tartus. The Syrian armed forces have seized a large amount of weapons, computers, communications equipment, and a large stockpile of chemicals, after a gunfight with insurgents on a farm in Banias, Tartus, near the Mediterranean Coast.

According to official Syrian government sources, the armed forces seized 79 barrels of Polyethylene Glycol, 67 barrels of Monoethylene Glocol, 25 barrels of Monoethanolamine, 68 barrels of Diethanolamine, and 42 barrels of Triethanolamine at the farm in Banias. The chemicals would, reportedly, have been sufficient to wipe out an entire city, if not the entire country.


How long will it be til someone in Syria gets the bright idea to turn some of these chemical weapons on some Jews in neighboring Israel?

How long would it take Israel to respond to a chemical attack?  How big would the response be?  Could the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 be right around the corner?

Will the rapture happen BEFORE the fulfillment or could we be here to witness the destruction of Damascus?

For sure this is an exciting time to be alive because it doesn't matter what we see or don't see...either way we have victory in Jesus for all of eternity!

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