
Friday, July 12, 2013

Alien Encounters Conference

There are many prophecy watchers who believe that the "aliens" and UFO reports coming in from all over the world on an ever-increasing frequency are really just demons in disguise.  The reason they are increasing their activity is because they can see the signs all around us, just like we can, and they know the rapture must be they are ramping up their deception so that they can use an "alien" explanation to tell the people left behind where all the Christians went.

Today I got this email from Prophecy guru, Chuck Missler, offering DVD's from the ALIEN ENCOUNTER CONFERENCE

From the 50th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident.
Still as relevant today as the day it was given.

On July 5th, 1997, at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Roswell Incident in Roswell, New Mexico, a conference was held to give a Christian perspective to an otherwise secular area of research and concern. This conference could prove to be a seminal beginning in exposing a deception that may be “…coming upon the Earth” in the near future.

From years of research into the history of UFO sightings, reports of alien abductions and the Biblical struggle between good and evil, Dr. Chuck Missler and Dr. Mark Eastman confront the issues head-on and offer answers to many of the most pertinent questions confronting mankind.

  • Are UFOs real?
  • Are aliens real?
  • Are they hostile or friendly?
  • Why do reports of alien abductions always seem to include experiments on the human reproductive system?
  • Are angels involved?
  • Is there a cosmic destiny for the planet Earth?

The answers to these questions and their implications are even more shocking than the events themselves. Behind the hype, the hoaxes, and the government disinformation lies an astonishing reality. Your personal destiny and that of your family may depend upon how you deal with the strange events that may soon take place.

Are you prepared for an encounter?

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