
Friday, July 12, 2013

Scientists Are Angry

What if you happen to be a professor who believes that God created everything...because the universe literally explodes with evidence of INTELLIGENT DESIGN? better keep your opinion about "intelligent design" to yourself....otherwise the scientists will get mad if anyone hires you.  Not only that but the the entire college's reputation could be put on the line.

Creationism and intelligent design are causing quite a stir at Ball State University, a public college in Muncie, Indiana. In addition to sparking an internal investigation into Professor Eric Hedin, a Christian who is accused by the atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), among others, of potentially indoctrinating students, there’s yet another new target. The FFRF is now joining evolutionary scientists in speaking out against the same university’s hire of Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, an astronomy professor who embraces intelligent design.
What’s most fascinating about the debate is that academic environments really should be the host of vibrant discussion, debate and diverse viewpoints. While most scientists do believe in evolutionary theory, the notion that people who do not should be silenced seems counter-intuitive. But that is exactly what is unfolding as the contention over Ball State’s hiring of these professors progresses.
“Ball State already has a serious issue with creationism being taught as science by an astronomy professor, Hedin. Now they’ve hired another astronomy professor and creationist to teach science at their university, Gonzalez,” said FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel.
“This disturbing pattern could be serious blow to the science curriculum at Ball State. Their reputation and ability to attract outstanding professors may suffer,” he added.
And he’s not alone. Crossmap also quotes Jerry Coyne, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago, who agrees with this sentiment.
“If the university wants to retain any scientific credibility, they should start hiring scientists who will teach real science and not religious apologetics,” Coyne said.
Very soon, Christians may be silenced from the schools. 
Very soon, Christians may be silenced from even the pulpits of churches.

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