
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Israel Warns of War With Iran in 2013

I'm really not sure how much longer this setting of RED LINES can go when it come to Iran.  Will someone ultimately need to pull the trigger and put their money where their mouth is?

Of course with Iraq and Afghanistan weighing heavy on our public treasury, I'm not sure we are will to open up another war front with we may just write stern letters and draw lines in the sand until the Lord returns...or until Iran pops a nuke and shows the world they have been successful!


(Netanya, Israel)—Over the past several weeks, I have been hearing from current and former senior Israeli officials and advisors at the highest possible levels, that the showdown with Iran is entering the critical "end game" phase. I'm hearing from people with direct knowledge of the plans that war could come in 2013.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is beginning to prepare the public in Israel and around the world for a "military option." This is why he appeared on CBS’s "Face The Nation" on Sunday.

The PM called the Iranian a "messianic, apocalyptic" regime bent on genocide, a reference to the Shia eschatology Khamenei holds that Iran must annihilate Israel and the U.S. to usher in the reign of the Twelfth Imam. Netanyahu also called the incoming Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, a "wolf in sheep's clothing" who has bragged in the past about negotiating with the West while secretly advancing nuclear enrichment. What's more, Netanyahu vowed not to "wait too long" to stop Iran.

Iran is About to Cross the Red Line

Here’s the key: Israeli intelligence now believes Iran will likely have a "nuclear device" in as soon as four to six months, and an operational nuclear bomb or warhead within a year. But top Israeli political and military leaders—up to an including the Prime Minister—do not believe they can afford to wait that long. Therefore, they are making final preparations for war, a war that they increasingly believe may have to be launched before this year is over.


Of course, ALL AMERICANS would love nothing more than to have peace!!  We could pull all our boys home from Korea, Japan, Germany, Guam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan and the 100 other places they are serving and spend all the savings on schools and failing infrastructure....but THAT'S NOT EVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!

Jesus told us VERY clearly that there will be wars on earth until He returns and puts an end to it all by establishing His millennial kingdom right here on earth!

So I think it may be more helpful for us Bible believers to not continue to whine and say, "Oh great...another messy war!"...and instead say, "Wow!  The wars and rumors of war seem to growing with each passing day!  How exciting that the Lord must be close!!  Than you Jesus that you gave us these warnings in advance so that we will NOT BE SURPRISED by the events unfolding before our eyes!  Thank you Jesus that you saved us for eternal life and that you will come and take us off this earth before ALL HELL breaks loose."

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