
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Trayvon Martin Case

Honestly, I didn't follow the details of this case...but it certainly seems there are lots of armchair experts who seem to know more than the jury who just acquitted Zimmerman.

And of course, those who see it one way are Conservatives and those who see it the other way are Liberals.

The Great Divide simply keeps growing.

The Liberals seem to believe this story line;
"Trayvon was a wonderful little boy who was just walking home when a big, bad man carrying a gun stalked him for no reason except that he is black!  Once Trayvon was cornered by this racist, Trayvon had no choice but to fight back...and before he gets a punch off....Zimmerman shoots him dead!"

The Conservatives, on the other hand, believe this story line;
"Trayvon had no business walking around in a gated community in the middle of the night.  Zimmerman sent him on his way.  As Zimmerman was walking back to his car, Trayvon jumped him with a sucker punch to the face breaking his nose.  Trayvon then got on top of Zimmerman and started bashing his head against the sidewalk while Zimmerman screamed, "Help me!  Help me!"....when no one came and Zimmerman obviously thought Trayvon was going to kill him...he had no choice but to shoot him at close range."

Here is what I do know;  thousands of black males are murdered every year and 99% of those murders are committed by other black males.  The black community has a serious problem.  70% of all black babies born in America have no father to raise them.  Consequently they have a much higher likelihood of ending up in jail.

If the black community wants to get all up in arms about black people being murdered....they should take a hard look in the mirror and figure out why.  Then they should figure out how THEY are going to fix it!

Sitting around blaming all your problems on other people and playing the slavery-victim card is NOT going to help.  It is getting very OLD.

Blaming America for all the black people's problems is not going to help.

Is there some other reason to explain why black people all over the world have such a difficult time? 

Is there some other reason to explain why every nation run by black people ends up being an impoverished, illiterate mess?

Do you guys remember the million blacks who were butchered with machetes by other blacks in Rwanda not so long ago?  Do you remember the demonic activity that accompanied that butchery?

I have some ideas...but they go all the way back to Noah....and I will save them for another time.

In the meantime, check out what black-author, Thomas Sowell, has to say about the Trayvon verdict...

You don't send people to prison on the basis of what other people imagine, or on the basis of media sound bites like "shooting an unarmed child," when that "child" was beating him bloody.

The jury indicated, early on as their deliberations began, that they wanted to compare hard evidence, when they asked for a complete list of the testimony on both sides.

Once the issue boiled down to hard, provable facts, the prosecutors' loud histrionic assertions and sweeping innuendos were just not going to cut it.

Nor was repeatedly calling Zimmerman a liar effective, especially when the prosecution misquoted what Zimmerman said, as an examination of the record would show.

The only real heroes in this trial were the jurors. They showed that this is still America -- at least for now -- despite politicians who try to cheapen or corrupt the law, as if this were some banana republic. Some are already calling for a federal indictment of George Zimmerman, after he has been acquitted.


Also check out this recent story of a white man being beaten to death by four black teens who just just out beating people for fun!  I bet this particular white man wished he had had a gun to defend himself!

I wonder if the media and the black folks rioting in LA will pick up this story...?

Last week, we got the agonizing news that a defenseless white man who had been beaten severely by a gang of six Black teenagers succumbed to his injuries and died. He was a living breathing person just as you and I. He was 46 year old Pat Mahaney.  He was walking on a public street not bothering anyone. His cowardly attackers charged at him from behind, and all SIX of them beat him. After the cowardly attack, Mr. Mahaney was so traumatized that he was afraid to go out of his home. He lived for another year but collapsed, first psychologically than physically, under the weight of living with his injuries and caring for his elderly mother.


Hat tip to Wilson R.

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