
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Signs of Christ's 2nd Advent

As many of you do, I was listening to David Jeremiah's sermon this morning.

He had a great clarification on the playing out of prophecy.  We have all heard this before but it is worth repeating...

The rapture of the church is a SIGN LESS EVENT.  There is nothing that yet has to happen that will point us to the impending rapture of the church.  In fact, it is the NEXT THING on God's prophetic timeline. It is imminent.  Christ will come like a thief in the an hour that NO ONE knows.

The prophetic signs we are witnessing all around us are signs of Christ's 2nd Coming.  Signs like the regathering of Israel, wars in the middle east, strange weather, massive earthquakes, the push for a New World Order....these are all events and signs that tell us that the Great Tribulation, which is immediately followed by Christ's physical return to earth, is getting close!

And as Jeremiah just said, "If we can see all the signs that Christ's 2nd advent is close...and the rapture happens at least 7 yrs before that....then do the math!"

So be encouraged people!  If we REALLY BELIEVE this, then it should spur us on to try and spread the Gospel as fast as we can.  It should be our goal to help the Holy Spirit gather as many people as possible so that they can go with us into the air to meet the Lord Jesus when the trumpet sounds!

Amen!  Even so....COME LORD JESUS!

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