
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Obama Celebrates Ramadan

Is it a big deal that the U.S. President celebrates a Satanically inspired religion of lies?

Was it a big deal that Bill Clinton was having sex under his desk with an intern who wasn't his wife?

Was it a big deal that John F. Kennedy was having sex with Marilyn Monroe while he was married?

Was it a big deal that Thomas Jefferson rewrote the Bible to deny the deity of Christ?

Of course I could go on and on with that list.  It would seem that finding truly God-fearing, Bible believing men capable of running this country has always been an why should it surprise us that Obama isn't one either?

President Obama late Thursday celebrated Ramadan with a traditional dinner in the State Dining Room, saying that throughout the nation's history, “Islam has contributed to the character of our country.”

In remarks before the Iftar dinner, eaten by Muslims after sunset to end the day of fasting, Obama quoted from the Koran, according to a White House pool report. "As the Koran teaches, whoever does an atom's weight of good will see its results." 

"Muslim-Americans and their good works have helped to build our nation, and we've seen the results," he added.

Obama, who has hosted five Iftar dinners, focused on entrepreneurship during much of his speech.
“Every day, Muslim-Americans are helping to shape the way that we think and the way that we work and the way that we do business," he said. "And that’s the spirit that we celebrate tonight — the dreamers, the creators whose ideas are pioneering new industries, creating new jobs and unleashing new opportunities for all of us.”
Obama recognized three entrepreneurs, including Shazi Visram, the founder and chief executive of Happy Family Organic Superfoods; Aunim Hossain, chief executive of Tista Games; and Iya Khalil, who co-founded GNS Healthcare, a biotech research company.

“So Shazi, Aunim, Iya and so many of you who have traveled here tonight — each of you have traveled your own path, but each of you have also lived out an American story. 


“And of course, this isn’t just the American Dream; it’s the aspiration of people around the world. It’s the basic human desire for progress, to find dignity that comes from work, to give our children something better.”
Members of Congress, local elected officials and dozens of ambassadors were on the White House guest list.


How terribly ironic that Obama would say such a thing at a Muslim dinner!!  Please look around at the nations where Islam rules, Mr. Obama.  They have no desire for progress!  They don't want to give their children something better!  Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Pakistan, Afghanistan.....they are all filled with MILLIONS who want to execute women, kill gays, behead other sects of Islam and make sure the society CAN'T READ....because READING IS BAD!!!

What kind of a fool is this man in the White House?

"Muslim Americans have helped build this nation?".....WHAT???  Just because a few Western educated entrepreneurs, who are Muslims, started a company hardly qualifies as helping to build this nation! 

More evidence that this President is under the spell of the Father of All Lies....because Obama seems very capable of speaking his native tongue...which is lies.

But still, the masses love him...maybe not as many as once did, but still millions do.

Remember, Bill Clinton was impeached for bad judgment in having extra-marital sex and then lying about it under oath...and where is Bill today?  He is the MOST POPULAR DEMOCRAT EVER!!!

"Right will be called wrong and wrong will be called right."

This country was NOT MADE GREAT because of all the great elected officials we have had...NO! was made great by God to accomplish HIS purposes.  And when He is done with the USA, she will vanish just like the empires that ruled before her.

I just wonder if we will get to witness that....

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