
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mutilated Cows

Hey all...I'm on a road trip for the next week or so and my Internet access will be limited so probably won't be posting much as I can't type real fast on this I pad....but wanted you to see this article about "aliens" that messed up this cow.

HENRY COUNTY, Mo. (KMOX) – Who would cut the tongues and take the reproductive organs from several cows? That’s the mystery police in a small town 90 miles away from Kansas City are dealing with.

Robert Hills, Henry County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy, says the first cow was discovered in December of 2011, the second and third this summer. All were female cows and were owned by rancher Lyn Mitchell.

Mitchell told the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) that the third cow’s heart was removed and exposed, but was not taken. She believes that maybe whoever did this was interrupted and she does not rule out the possibility of aliens.


What the heck are these demons up to?  They seem to always take the sex organs....are they making 
Strange flesh....again?

As it was in the days of Noah....


  1. What do you mean when you say "as it was in the days of Noah"? Thanks.

  2. Hi Anonymous, Jesus said those words as he talked about the Last Days leading up to his return. Some prophecy watchers believe that Jesus meant Satan will be creating "strange flesh" as he was in Genesis 6, before the flood, when fallen angels had sex with human women and produced hybrids. If you start looking into cattle mutilations and "alien" abduction stories, you will find that Satan seems to be harvesting reproductive materials...and it begs the question of what he is doing with this material? I firmly believe that Satan will be using an "alien" deception to lead people away from Christ in these Last Days.
