
Monday, July 22, 2013

Our Inner Cities Will Be War Zones

Every day the pundits are trying to figure out what this Zimmerman/Trayvon case is really all about?

Why are black teenagers murdered by other black teenagers every single day in Chicago and the black community refused to order protests in 100 cities?

Why DO they organize protests in 100 cities when a white/Hispanic man kill a black man in self defense?

What the heck is up with that?

It most likely boils down to a more prophetic reason.  Jesus said, "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom..." as the Last Days draw nearer.  Nation against nation could also be interpreted to mean "race against race."

No doubt the tension in the black community in America is near a boiling point.  The majority of blacks vote for Democrats.  Why?  Because the Democrats are the more likely party to offer them bigger handouts.

So the Democrats are in the business of giving out more money in the HOPES that they will create more Democratic voters!!  Wow!  What a vicious cycle that is!!  It that pattern continues much longer Detroit could be bankrupt, followed by Oakland, followed by Chicago, followed by Philadelphia...and maybe followed by the U.S. Federal Government!!

Rapture Ready had a great article today on the Trayvon case, so I will paste some of that below;

The reason why the incident became a major news story is because it fits the desired narrative of a white man shooting a black man. When it became known that the white guy was actually─Hispanic, the New York Times made the bizarre move of labeling Zimmerman as a “White-Hispanic” and the media circus marched on like nothing had changed. The liberal-left doesn’t care about justice. They wanted a sacrificial victim to be offered on the altar of racial grievance.

The next step into the crazy dimension was made when Trayvon Martin was transformed from street thug to angel-faced choirboy. You may remember President Barack Obama saying, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

Despite the fact that Trayvon had been kicked out of school for vandalism, had a history of fights, liked to smoke pot, and was caught with burglary tools (and jewelry that appeared stolen); the image the media focused on was a picture taken when he was 12-years-old. You would have to do a Google search to find a picture of Trayvon as a six-foot tall, muscular, 200 pound, 17-year-old.

Investigators in the case found no indication of racism on the part of Zimmerman. In fact, there was a mountain of evidence pointing in the oppose direction, which was never mentioned by the mainstream media. Zimmerman had dated a black girl at one time and took her to his High School prom. He once had a business partner that was black. Zimmerman mentored minority school kids in his community. He also led an inquiry into the death of a black homeless man that resulted in the resignation of Sanford’s police chief.

I see a time of profound racial unrest coming to America. Since the welfare state, is funded by our heavily indebted federal government, the coming financial collapse will turn our inner cities into war zones. With nearly half of Americans dependant on the government for some form of support, there will be plenty of pain to go around. With any crisis, there will be ample scapegoats over who is to blame.


Crime has exploded in Detroit.  It has exploded in Oakland and Chicago.

What do these cities have in common?  A VERY HIGH percentage of blacks.

Why is it exploding?

Because the black family has disintegrated.  Fathers are absent and a high percentage of black teens turn to crime because they have been fed a crock of crap that they are perpetual victims...and they DESERVE reparations for all the injustices that that were committed on SOME of their great, great grandparents during the slavery days.

The human condition is a mess.  Only Jesus can save us from the nightmare that WILL BEFALL mankind on earth.

"Therefore, encourage each other with these Words."

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