
Monday, July 22, 2013

The Apocalypse and the Nephilim

The Bible clearly tells us that life on planet earth will be a NIGHTMARE when Jesus arrives. 

Thankfully, for those humans who have put their faith in Christ and are indwelt by His Holy Spirit...we will be caught up to meet Jesus in the sky at least 7 years before His 2nd advent.  And there we will be with The Lord FOREVER!!

Praise the Lord!!

Now, let's go back and visit the nightmare that is coming...and also notice the SIGNS that point to this coming nightmare.

What if Russia, China, or some terrorist group, either external or domestic was going to detonate multiple nukes in major cities around the world tomorrow morning at sunrise? This nuclear attack would provoke a series of cataclysmic chain-reactions from the U.S. and other major super-powers. ICBMs would be launched; spaced based weapons capable of firing nukes would be activated. The political, financial, and other elites would be instantly transported to massive underground cities around the world and martial law would be declared.
The massive bases (like whatever facility lies beneath the Denver International Airport) will safely protect the elite while the masses are left to die thorough radiation, disease outbreaks, riots, food shortages, freak weather and all-out global thermonuclear war above ground. If you want a pictorial illustration of what this apocalyptic event may look like, simply look at the ghoulish art work hanging in plain view on the walls of the Denver airport.
As I detail in my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America, all over the world a powerful secret elite will be transported to massive fortified cities to survive the apocalypse… if they can survive.
Unfortunately, the Bible has become more censored from our society than pornography and nowhere is that more true than in the average Evangelical Church. Although God’s Word is inspired and inerrant from Genesis to Revelation every attempt is made to twist, pervert, change its meaning, and censor it from the average Christian in the average church all over the world. Jesus Christ Himself spoke of the absolute necessity of “abiding in the vine,” or living in the Word of God. We should not be surprised that individual Christians become powerless and the church as a whole becomes impotent and powerless when it is in anyway cut off from or ceases abiding in the Word!
The Word of God is not mere literary prose like Shakespeare or mathematical code like in a computer program. The Word of God is God! Jesus Christ is the Word become flesh. That is a multi-dimensional and supernatural reality. For example, our bodies’ and minds’ ability to regenerate themselves is based on the genetic code in the DNA cells which can be activated. Warfare on any dimension, either in space and time or out of space and time reveals the reality of conflict between opposing forces. God is love! Lucifer is pure lust, not just in the sexual sense, but in every sense, culminating in his desire to be illegally worshipped as God. There are two kinds of people in the world today: those who choose to serve the true God who is love and those who choose to serve Lucifer, or the Luciferians.
While I was researching my new book massive archeological ruins along with pyramids were found on the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba, in the general region of the Bermuda Triangle. Since before the Pre-Flood era, scientists have hypothesized that Atlantis was a highly advanced technological and scientific civilization. If that were the case, then the common mythology of civilizations of god men, in places like Thule, Hyperborea, Atlantis, and South America all seem to indicate a race of supermen which the ancient Hebrew scholars refer to as the B’nai Elohim or fallen angels. Jesus Christ emphasized that “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.”
The idea was that the Nephilim were the super-race that came from the interspecies breeding of human women and fallen angels. Jesus Christ is specifically telling us that they would increase again, just before His return from Heaven with the armies of Heaven. Adam and Eve were created in the image of God and with the DNA of God. When the fallen angels mated with human women, they corrupted that pure DNA. Transhumanism is an attempt by Man to fulfill the serpent’s temptation, “You shall be as gods.” The New World Order is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of Heaven.
One thing for sure....Satan is prowling around like a hungry lion looking for whom he may devour.
How many folks on earth will be TOTALLY BLOWN away by what is coming?
How many folks on earth were TOTALLY SWEPT away by Noah's flood?
"As it was in the days of Noah....". said Jesus.
Hat tip to Jared F.

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