
Friday, July 26, 2013

Syrian Opposition Asks USA for Weapons...FAST!

Poor Obama!  He really is in "Checkmate" when it comes to the chess game in Syria.  I'm being serious here now...please remember to pray for him and all of our leaders.  Maybe God will give him wisdom.

So do we support the present dictator, Assad, who is supported by Iran and Hezbollah?  Can't do that...right?---OR---do we support the folks who are trying to overthrow him, even if that means giving guns to Al Qaida or the Muslim Brotherhood?  Of course we just spent $1 trillion over the past decade trying to blow Al Qaida to smithereens in two wars.

Today we have a headline telling us that the Syrians need guns NOW!....or Assad is likely to keep butchering them all and retain power.

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The leader of Syria's Western-backed opposition group told U.S. Secretary John Kerry on Thursday that the United States must quickly supply rebels with promised weapons to prevent a military victory by President Bashar Assad's regime.
Ahmad Al-Jarba, in a statement sent out while he was still meeting with Kerry at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, called the situation in Syria "desperate" and said the opposition urgently needs American action "to push the international community to demand a political transition."
The newly elected head of the Syrian National Coalition accused the Assad regime of using indiscriminate weapons ranging from chemical weapons to cluster bombs and said opposition fighters must have weapons to defend themselves and protect civilians.
The Obama administration decided in June to begin arming Syrian rebels groups after the United States said it had conclusive evidence that Assad's regime used chemical weapons against opposition forces. But the U.S. has yet to send any weapons amid concerns they could end up in the hands of al-Qaida-backed groups and other extremists.
Syria's rebels, however, have recently received shipments of more powerful weapons from Gulf allies, particularly anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles.
With every passing day, the destruction of Damascus, as foretold in Isaiah 17, seems to be on the horizon.
But here in America, the stock market is back at record highs, the car dealers are selling cars like never before and consumer spending is ramping back up!  People are heading back to the malls!!  Let the good times roll...again!
"As it was in the days of Noah....", said Jesus.  He said those folks would be carrying on with business as usual, oblivious to the massive ark right in front of their faces for over 100 years...and REFUSE to believe that God was going to do anything awesome.
Do you sense the same thing happening today?  People REFUSE to believe that the trumpet is really going to blow and that Jesus is going to take us into the clouds and that soon after that ALL HELL is going to break loose on earth for those who are left behind.
Lord, please save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. Help us to be workers in the harvest while it is still daylight.  Amen.

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