
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Women Must Provide Sex to Men At All Times

Hey women!  If you are having a bad day, maybe consider thanking Jesus that you weren't born in Iran...and that you aren't a member of this dude's mosque!  Remember, in Islam it is a sin to doubt or question anything your Cleric or Imam says.

Iranian Cleric: Women Must Provide Sex to Men at All Times

A leading Iranian cleric discussed the duty of women under Islam at a conference on family issues.

“One of the calamities of our society is that some women do not give authority to their husbands and this is more evident in three groups,” Dehnavi said in explaining the duties of women toward their husbands.

“The first group are those who are older than their husbands and treat their spouses like a mother would, which harms the authority of men. The second group are those who have a higher education than their husbands and because of their financial independence (they) have some attitude, which harms men’s authority.”

In referring to the third group of women, the cleric said, “One of the other duties of women in regard to their men is to take care of their men’s instinctive needs (sexual drive). Do not break their pride and (you must) be more sensitive toward them.”

“Women have to provide sex to their men anywhere and at anytime,” he said in one released video of his speeches. “Even in her mother’s house, the woman usually refuses and says it’s bad and that her mother could find out, but they should do it and so what if her mother finds out? It won’t be bad as they are not doing anything illegal.”


If thinking of another woman during sex results in pregnancy, “then the child will be a homosexual.”

See it all here;

Wow!  Now we know why there are so many gay people!!  Thanks Cleric, for clearing that up!!  Makes perfect sense!!

Honestly, how sad?!  These poor women in Iran and through out the Muslim world.  Where are all the women's rights groups protesting Islam and its treatment of women?  Oh yeah...they are buying the liberal media crap that Islam is a great religion of peace and humanity....and that only a few bad Muslims are giving the vast majority a bad name.


The clerical regime is worried that many woman and men are turning to Christianity and has ordered that converts be arrested and imprisoned.

Yep!  Jesus Christ is moving mightily in Iran and estimates say as many as 4000 Iranians per day are leaving that Satanic system and accepting Christ for salvation!!  Praise The Lord!!

Of course that has Allah worried.....

Hat tip to James L.

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